93 | The Truth

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"IF YOU WANT TO PUT the puzzle back together, gather all the pieces one by one and climb to the top. Only then will you be able to see the entire picture."

     Those were the only exact words that Max could remember after his conversation with Viktor. He said to gather the pieces one by one, and Max thinks that what he meant about the pieces were the brotherhoods. He has to gather the brotherhoods and conquer them.

     With Jokers, Max found out about the relationship each brotherhood has and what the real situation is in J.S High. That was also the first time someone mentioned about the old president to him.

     With Boy Next Door, Max found out about the outside problems that J.S High faces, and the people who are not only after him but after his school as well. He learned a lot about the system during those times too. Those were the things that he got from the Dukes.

     But now there's the infamous Counts, the Cigarettes...

     Gavriil wanted Max to conquer Cigarettes, and apparently, that's also what Viktor wants. Max already told Krist and the others that he doesn't plan to do so anymore because he only wants to get his inheritance back, but it seems like he needs to get more from Cj.

     It seems like there's something that Cj knows that could actually help Max in some way.

     "Looks like everything is slowly revealing itself, just like what Viktor said," Max says as he walks towards the balcony of his bedroom. He looks at the view in front of him, and in an instant, he was reminded of the place where Gavriil brought him, at the King's Horizon. It was the only place where he felt completely safe.

     Max pulls out a cigarette from his pocket and lights it up. As he continues to stare at the city lights, he puts the cigarette stick in his mouth and suddenly remembers his conversation with Cj at the clinic earlier...

     (8 hours earlier)

     "Y-You...You fainted. Yeah, that's right. You were walking to your classroom this morning when you suddenly fainted. The doctor said you were sleep-deprived so you must have been half-asleep when you got here earlier," Cj lies as Max continues to massage his aching temple.

     "Man, Étienne was right. I shouldn't overwork myself. I don't even remember leaving your office. I'm seriously losing my mind," Max says, and Cj awkwardly laughs it off while clenching his fist in frustration.

     "Anyway, let me just prepare myself so we could leave. My brother and the others must be really worried," Max says with a smile before stepping out of the bed and walking to a small table where his peak cap is placed.

     Max wears his peak cap and fixes his uniform. While he was doing so, Cj was staring at him intensely. Words wanted to come out of his mouth, but he doesn't even know how to start. But when he finally made up his mind, he clenches his fist and says, "Max, there's something that you need to know-"

     Max stops what he's doing, but he doesn't look back at the count. Somehow, he was afraid of what he might say to him.

     "I know this may sound strange to you but...I'm a very truthful person, okay? And I'm pretty sure you know that by now," Cj says, his voice sounding like he was having a hard time explaining what to say next.

     The room falls silent on them, and Max clenches his fist, preparing himself on what Cj was about to tell him.

     "Don't be shocked okay? Whatever happens, I just want you to know that I'm only telling you this because I'd feel shitty if I keep this to myself, and I actually pity you, like seriously. I went through shit myself but you are just...I seriously pity your ass even after what I did to you myself! It doesn't make any sense!" Cj continues to say in panic, but at this point, he was just stalling.

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 1-3) ✓Where stories live. Discover now