77 | Your Master

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Max and his friends were walking their way towards the Great Hall to grab their lunch. The white uniforms couldn't help but look at Max's way - who was standing in the middle of their formation - because of the news that got released last night.

    Everyone couldn't believe that Max admitted to everything that was stated in that article. Usually, during those types of situations, the heirs would keep quiet about it, or even just left the news to die down, but Max purposely made the situation bigger. You can call it a boss move, which is why others couldn't help but be amazed by what he did.

     "He's seriously gone mad," one student whispers.

     Most of the time Max would just let it go, but somehow, things were different now. He approaches the white uniform who dared comment about him and grinned in his direction, making the student look flustered.

     "Gone mad you say?" Max asks.

     The white uniform was a dweller too. If Max was still a serf, he could have answered back at him, but the white uniform remained quiet. He knew better than to pick a fight with Max, especially after what happened yesterday.

     Max was about to touch the student, but then Ari grabs hold of his hand and tells him, "Forget about him. Let's go."

     The white uniform gulps, and Max lowly chuckles and leaves. And as he walks away, Ervin glares at him, and the white uniform finally runs away from the scene.

     As soon as the three friends arrive at the Great Hall, students continue to look at Max like he's some kind of animal in a zoo. Thankfully, Marcus - who was already there with the rest of the members of BND and Jokers - immediately stands from his seat and shouts, "Max!" And that alone finally made everyone stop looking.

     Max and his friends approach their usual table as Marcus happily smiles at his brother. Hans and the others didn't quite understand what happened between them, but their glad that the old Marcus was finally back.

     "Well look who we have here. It's our little toy who made a huge buzz last night," Krist says as Max, Ari, Ervin, and Felix sat in their usual seats.

     "Your face was seriously everywhere. I almost got jealous," Red adds, and the others couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement.

     "Really? I already tried to keep it low-key. You should be thankful that I didn't hold a press conference," Max sarcastically says, and then Brave, who was stuffing his mouth with chips that he stole from Rome, points his finger at Max and says, "Now that is what I'd love to see," making the others laugh.

    "Maybe you should make a fake article about yourself too Red since you love being in the spotlight so much," Krist then teases, making Red glare at him and defend, "I do not!"

    Max couldn't help but smile as he watches his friends eat and play around like usual. Even though it was a bit of a mess a couple of days ago, at least now this was back to normal.

    As the waiters start serving them their food, Max looks back at his two protectors and sincerely tells them, "Thank you...by the way...for battling Cigarettes on my behalf. If it weren't for you guys, he wouldn't have made a deal with me."

     "Please, don't make us vomit," Khian jokingly says before smiling at Max, accepting his gratitude since Marcus messaged everyone last night about what happened between Cj and Max at the clinic, and about the deal that they made with each other. They're just glad that everything went according to plan after that.

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