43 | Pointing Fingers

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THE SOUND COMING FROM a vital signs monitor could be heard in the background as Max peacefully sleeps in his bed. Beside him is Red, who had just woken up a minute ago.

     The two of them were brought to the clinic as soon as BND got to the scene. Thankfully, J.S High's clinic is fully equipped with almost everything that can be found in a regular hospital since students regularly have brotherhood battles here and get serious injuries.

     "Red, I am indebted to you. I don't know what I would have done if something happened to Max," Marcus says as he was down on his knees, kneeling in front of Max's savior.

     "Hey, stand up," Red says, but Marcus wouldn't budge.

     "T-Thank you. Thank you Red," Marcus continues to say as tears stream down his face.

     Red sighs and slowly sits up, extending his arm so he can pat Marcus's head as a sign of comfort.

     Hans was in the room, so were Krist and Brave who were standing near the door. But they didn't say anything; they knew they weren't in the right place to say anything to Marcus, especially when it was his little brother that got involved.

     Marcus finally looks up, and Red smiles at him to assure him that everything will be okay.

     "The shards were small so I only have cuts. And our uniform helped too, considering the fact that it's made out of special material that protects us from something like this. So you don't have to worry," Red explains to Marcus before looking back at the boy beside him. "Your brother will be fine too."

     Marcus takes a deep breath and walks towards Max's bed. "He didn't have a single injury, but he was in an erratic state. The doctors had to give him minor tranquilizers to calm him down," he says before sitting at the end of the bed to touch Max's face. "It's been so long since I've seen him like that, and I never wanted to see him like that again but—"

     The room falls silent, and finally, Hans stands from his seat and says, "Usually in such cases, we get our treatments here to not attract the media, but don't you think it's better to bring him to the hospital?"

     Marcus thinks hard about it, but he shakes his head and answers, "Max doesn't like hospitals. Besides, he just needs to rest. His butler will arrive any minute to take him home."

     Hans nods his head to respect his decision. Soon after, someone knocks, and Brave opens the door, revealing the Elites' vice president, Gavriil.

     "Alexeev. What are you doing here?" Hans asks.

     Gavriil touches his chest and bows to everyone in the room first before answering, "I apologize for the intrusion, but I just wanted to inform you that the Brotherhood Associations' Investigation Unit has arrived, and they have already started looking through the scene of the explosion."

     "The Investigation Unit?" Hans asks from shock.

     "Whoa, if those guys are here then this is already some serious shit. The association rarely handles these types of problems," Brave then says.

     "This was requested by president Janus," Gavriil answers, "But we assure you that the Elites are conducting our own investigation. And if anything comes up, we will immediately inform you about it."

     Krist, who has been quiet since earlier, finally opens his mouth and says, "What's there to investigate? Isn't it already obvious? It was fucking Viktor, there's no doubting it."

     Everyone in the room becomes silent as soon as someone brought up a possible suspect. Even though no one said it earlier, the first person that also came to mind was their cruel king, Viktor. It just so happened that no one wanted to say it out loud.

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