79 | Acceptance

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IT FELT LIKE IT was only yesterday when Max was a student council president in Westberg Academy. He remembered the time when his uncle Janus wanted to talk to him, and then he asked him to enroll in J.S High.

     Crème de la Crème were the only words that Janus had to show him just so he could say yes.

     Max never really thought of that elite group as something significant. He was rank one, but that was it. But little did he know that when his uncle showed him those words on a piece of paper, it would actually reveal his entire past.

     It was right in front of his face yet he was ignorant about it.

     Why did he enroll in J.S High? Why did he agree to help them?

     Those questions were left unanswered because Max had no answer to them.

     Max simply went with the flow. When he was given the responsibility, he just took them all with no second thought. The idea of becoming the voice of the people made him feel important. For a child growing up in the shadow of his family, this was a chance that he couldn't let go; a chance where everyone will know him as only Max.

     But his judgment became clouded and everything got heavy. The responsibilities that he took just for that mere purpose weren't enough anymore. He needed more reasons to continue helping J.S High. His entire world was crumbling, and his inheritance was taken away from him. In the back of his mind, he thought that he could just forget about J.S High and let go of his responsibilities there since he had more problems to face in his real life.

     That's why when he did what he did to Cj at the Great Hall, he didn't even think twice. "Why do I care if the students end up becoming afraid of me? It's not my responsibility to stand up for them anyway." Those were the words that Max thought to himself during those times.

     He didn't care anymore because he had no other reason to help J.S High. But after his conversation with Gavriil, he realized that he was wrong.

     J.S High wasn't just a means to make him feel important or needed, or even special. It wasn't his saving grace. J.S High was connected to him, and the people inside it were a part of his past.

     Unraveling his past meant he needed to help J.S High change for the better to make that happen. It was almost like someone wanted him to remember everything so it could be his reason as to why he needed to help the school.

     It was almost like an elaborate plan made by a man everyone refers to as the previous  Elites' president.

     "Leigh," a voice suddenly calls out, and Max instantly looks up and sees his butler, Étienne, staring at him through the rearview mirror.

     Max was wearing an all-black suit, and on his lap was a bouquet of Blue Daisies. Today was now November 2, which is All Souls day. As much as Max was occupied with taking back his rights to the company, Max hasn't forgotten to pay his respect for his mother.

     "Are you alright?" Étienne asks him.

     Max takes a deep breath and looks out of the window. His head was still occupied with what Gavriil told him yesterday. He couldn't believe that he was friends with him, especially Viktor, and the president that Krist has already mentioned to him before.

     It's strange since he remembers nothing. All he knows is that he's friends with Cindy because they met a couple of times at business summits, but nothing more.

      He was confused with the newfound information, but for some reason, it all made sense to him. The little details that he knows about Gavriil, the comforting feeling he has with Viktor, and the close relationship he has with Cindy. The only thing he couldn't remember at all was the president. Maybe if he sees him in person, it might unlock everything.

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