106 | Selfish Satisfaction

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"GO TAKE MY BROTHER to the clinic," Marcus says. And even though Cj didn't want to take any orders from him, Cj nods his head and helps Max stand from where he's seated before they could finally leave the Great Hall.

     As the students were watching the Barons and the Dukes standing in front of the gaffer who dared throw his water at Max, the gaffer practically stumbles back in terror from the thought of what's about to happen to him.

     "Now, shall we throw hot tea at you too?" Brave asks with a menacing grin.

     "Y-You can't hurt me! Not in front of all these people. BND doesn't even have a custom," the gaffer defends, almost making the two brotherhoods laugh.

     Despite that, the gaffer was somehow right. The brotherhoods have to uphold the White Uniform Protection Code, and that means they cannot target any of the white uniforms without any valid reason.

     Sadly for them, valid reasons can mean a lot of things, and one of those things were—

     "I can't hurt you?" Master Joker asks as he takes a step closer to the gaffer. "Oh I can, don't worry about that, but my little toy won't like it so let's do something else instead, something that all of us can enjoy."

     The gaffer didn't know what the baron was talking about, but then his eyes widened from shock when he heard the sound of a Jack-in-a-box. The gaffer slowly turns around to check what it was, but when he found the box on top of their lunch table, the gaffer instantly falls to the ground. 


     The students started stomping their feet as they wait for the sound to stop. And when the music finally stopped playing, Jack pops out of the box, literally making the student flinch.

     Jokers' underlings - the Jacks - started standing from their seats one by one. And as the gaffer tried to think of a way to make his escape, Hans then approaches him too and leans towards him before saying, "Now white uniform...let's play."


The nurse was done applying gel and cold compress on Max's back that was completely red because of the hot water. Thankfully it was only a first-degree burn. It also helped because Max was wearing his white uniform so it protected him from the boiling water. If you don't remember, their uniform is even bulletproof.

     When the nurse finally left the room, Max wears his uniform back so he could cover himself. While he was buttoning his shirt, Cj - who's standing beside the bed with his arms crossed - looks at Max and tells him, "Why didn't you just pull or push me away like a normal person would? You could have easily just done that."

     When Max heard of what Cj had to say, he couldn't help but laugh. "A thank you would have been nice. And besides, if I pushed you out of the way then the students behind you would have been hurt instead. That would have been more troublesome," he answers, and Cj sighs and doesn't say anything about it anymore.

     When Max finally finished putting his shirt on, he looks at Cj and takes a deep breath. "What that white uniform did was horrible. Even I think it was over the top. If he really did hit you on your face then J.S High would have been in another scandal," Max says, and this time, Cj chuckled.

     "So you were more concerned about that?"

     "Well that's not really true, but then it's not really false either," Max answers, and the two started laughing together.

     As the laughter simmers down, Max pulls out his necklace and takes another deep breath before looking back at Cj. "You asked me earlier if I have advice for you. Do you still want to hear it?"

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