62 | Drunk & Dazed

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MAX STOLE THE CAR keys from his butler and drove away without saying a single word to his grandmother or to any of his family members that were still at the Sinclaire mansion.

      After his conversation with his father, the only thing that Denzel told him were the words, "I'm sorry," but he didn't address anything else after that.

     Max thought that nothing would ever make him waver; that nothing that his father would ever do would make him feel disappointed in him because his expectations of him were so low ever since he was young. But this was a plot twist that he never expected. He should have set his expectations of him even lower.

     "I fucking hate you!" Max shouts like a whiny kid while hitting the steering wheel as he drives farther away from where Denzel and Edith were.

     Max tries to compose himself, gripping on the steering wheel while taking deep breaths. Max's mind was clouded, and he was filled with so much emotion that he doesn't even know where he's going. But one thing is for sure...

     "I need a drink," he says as he stares at the road ahead of him. He then remembers the time he and his friends went to a pub called "The Mask". Max didn't even think about the consequences, but he immediately sets the GPS to the said location and drove off.

     As Max arrives at the exclusive pub, Max parks the car at the side and angrily removes his necktie before throwing it to the passenger seat. He then heads out and walks straight inside.

     Like before, the students who were there instantly recognize him. Some even wanted to approach and congratulate him for his victory on Mr. Brains & Brawn, but the dark aura surrounding Max instantly made them decide not to.

     Max wasn't even saying anything, but everyone knew that he wasn't in the mood to converse with anyone at the moment.

     "Give me the hardest one that you have," Max immediately tells the bartender as he takes a seat at the bar area.

     The bartender looks at Max but doesn't question him. It doesn't even take long for him to mix something up for him. "Here you are sir," the bartender says with a smile as he slides Max a glass that was filled with black and red liquid.

    "Enjoy, but please drink moderate-" Before the bartender could even finish his sentence, Max grabs the glass and chugs it down, surprising not only the bartender but the people who were sitting close to him as well.

     Max wipes his mouth afterward and slides the glass back to the bartender. "Every time I put this glass down, another one has to be ready for me," he instructs him.

     "Sir, I've seen people drown themselves here, but this drink is a bit-"

     Max doesn't say anything and suddenly pulls something out from his pocket. He slams it at the counter, and everyone who was able to see it practically gasped from shock. It was an exclusive black credit card. Only twenty people in the entire country have it, and apparently, Max is one of those people.

     "I can pay. You can even triple the price," Max says, his tone and expression serious.

     The bartender wanted to decline the offer, but when he saw the name that's written on the black card, he couldn't help but gulp in terror. If the students of the brotherhood houses know Max as this capable white uniform, the people outside their school know Max as a very powerful boy from a very powerful family. And one thing that he's learned after working in this pub for two years is that you should never get caught up with the customers since most of them are apparently heirs, and the workers here won't stand a chance even if they're just students.

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