15 | Omega Society

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THE ROOM FALLS SILENT. And in an instant, everyone's eyes were on Max, who just so happened to make such a bold statement regarding the king of all the houses. A couple of seconds pass, and the silence turns into laughter. Even Ari and Felix laughed.

     "You have officially lost your mind. Being on top all the time really made you delusional," Ari says as he and the rest of the class laugh at what Max said. But one student in the room wasn't laughing at all, and that student was none other than the vice president, Gavriil Alexeev.

     Gavriil stands from his seat, and that alone made everyone stop laughing. The class watched as Gavriil approaches Max with a blank expression, and without any warning, he slams his hand on Max's notebook and says, "Conquer Victor Stepanov you say? Such a brave declaration from someone who has fifty merit points in his name."

     Max stares at his notebook in surprise. The side of his mouth twitches when he sees the crumpled paper that's under Gavriil's hand. Max slowly lifts his head and glares at the culprit. "Move your hands," he says instead of addressing Gavriil's initial statement.

     Gavriil doesn't say anything, but to everyone's surprise, Gavriil rips off the page on Max's notebook, crumpling it, and throwing it away. "Specific steps? Ultimate goal? What do you think Victor is? A prize to be won? He is the most dangerous man in this school and he has the ability to do things to you that you cannot even imagine. To openly declare such a thing without knowing the risk is sickening."

     The aura that Gavriil is emitting is so strong that some had to look away in fear. This was the power of the vice president. This was the power of the second strongest white uniform in their house.

     "Do you think I don't know the risk?" Max answers, finally standing from his seat to level with Gavriil. Ari wanted to intervene, but even though he's a gaffer, he knew that this wasn't his place anymore.

     "I did not say that Victor is a prize, so do not twist my words. But I will not deny that he is something that I have to conquer to be able to—" Max stopped himself after realizing what he was about to say. He takes a deep breath and walks towards the crumpled paper that Gavriil threw. He picks it up and smoothens it out before looking back at the vice president with a calm expression. "I don't know why you're mad. But your sudden outburst will not change my mind. I will conquer Victor Stepanov, and I will defeat you and anyone else that will stand in my way."

     The bell rings right at that moment, and Gavriil stares straight at Max's eyes before finally walking away. The students in class start leaving the room as well, and Ari and Felix stand beside Max with worried expressions.

     "You really do want to get killed," Felix tells him, and Max adjusts his cap and looks at his two friends. "That Gavriil guy...he really has such an interesting character."

     "You're the one with an interesting character," Ari immediately answers him, and Max just looks at the paper he's holding before placing it back in his notebook.

     Max doesn't say anything else and walks toward the door to make his exit, Ari and Felix following right behind him.

     "I'll be heading to my club. I don't want to say this, but you better be careful, especially when you're walking with another serf. The only reason why you haven't been beaten around yet is that you're with me, so you better watch your back," Ari warns, which was something that Max couldn't disagree with.

     "We'll be fine," he says instead, and Ari nods his head and finally walks in a different direction and leaves the two.

     Felix and Max walk side by side in the middle of the crowded hallway. Some were being pushed, but Max easily dodged them, pulling Felix with him as much as possible. Thankfully everyone's busy with the club preparations that the two ended up being completely invisible.

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 1-3) ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora