54 | Winner Takes All

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MAX AND NOX WERE on the third floor, hiding behind a door as they cautiously approach the laboratory. Nicolás was already handling the generator, while Asahi already went to where Kingston and the others are.

      "Rose Valley Academy is eliminated. There are seven contestants left on the battlefield," the female voice suddenly announces, making Nox and Max look at each other with shock.

     "Okay, we seriously gotta move," Nox says as he and Max run and hide behind another door.

     "There's the lab, come on," Max then says before running to room 302 where the science lab is supposed to be.

     As soon as Max saw the inside, he couldn't help but smile. The laboratory is filled with chemicals and equipment. At first, he thought that it would be empty since the school was abandoned, but Max had a hunch that it wasn't, considering the fact that this is Mr. Brains & Brawn, which means using your brain is a bigger factor.

     "You can train your body for a year, but strength isn't always everything," Max says, immediately running to the chemicals to concoct their homemade explosives.

     Nox positions himself at the entrance and grips on his gun to stand guard. "So BND taught you all this?"

     "They did. Half of them taught me how to fight, while the other half taught me how to survive in these types of situations. BND knew that most of these contestants would rely on their strength, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to level my skill with theirs. I'm not a great fighter, but my strategies will make up for it. I'm just glad you guys are there to bridge the gaps that I am not able to reach," Max says with confidence, and Nox couldn't help but look at Max with admiration.

     Actually, Nox had this mindset that Max would be this arrogant heir who thinks he'll win no matter what he does because he's that great, but when he met him, everything he thought about him changed. Max was confident, yet there were times that he was unsure. But even with such uncertainty, he doesn't waver, and that attitude is the same reason why Nox trusted him.

     "You know we're already down to seven contestants, and this is the farthest that the House of Rooks has ever been in this competition. We're usually the first to die or the second," Nox suddenly shares.

     "I'm aware that other than the House of Pawns, we're the lowest house here. Usually, the other houses would tell us that we're a burden. Sometimes they'll just use us as bait or kill us off first, but you...you said we're brotherhood houses. And as cheesy as this may sound, you made me realize why J.S High truly deserves the title of kings," Nox says with complete sincerity, making Max stop what he's doing out of surprise.

     Max wasn't expecting to hear such high praise from someone. But at that moment he realized that this is the reason why he was here. Max isn't just a white uniform who's desperate of winning this competition. He's a representative of J.S High, the Kings' Castle, the House of Kings. And his victory is not only their school's victory but a victory for all of the brotherhood houses.

     "I—" Max was about to say something when they suddenly heard shooting sounds getting closer.

     "Shit, they're already here," Nox says while peeking out of the door's glass before looking back at Max. "I'll head to where they are and give you more time. We'll make sure you'll be able to finish that bomb of yours."

     Max wanted to disagree, but he says instead, "Wait..."

     Nox doesn't say anything and Max starts making something. After about two minutes, he runs to Nox and hands him a test tube. "Throw this and it will create a smoke bomb. Just make sure to cover your mouth, you got it?"

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