31 | Jack Out of the Box

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AFTER DELIBERATELY CHOOSING THE weapons needed for his victory, Max went to the middle of the battleground, holding BND's flag since Max obviously doesn't have a flag of his own.

     Max wasn't wearing his cap and coat either, but instead, he wore a belt that held onto the different items that he took from BND's weapon stash. He was also wearing the bulletproof vest that Marcus gave him earlier, which wasn't a waste since Krist was holding a gun like what Marcus predicted.

     Master Joker already has an advantage since the battleground is the same grounds that all the brotherhoods use for practice. At the same time, the Jokers' leader has been battling for years. The only disadvantage that he might have is that he's used to battling with a group, and that aspect is something that Max can use against him.

     Max and Krist walk to the middle of the grounds. When they got there, Max looked around the audience, which was the brotherhoods. Some of them looked excited, while a handful of them just couldn't wait for this so-called nonsense to end.

     When Max spots his brother amongst the audience, his brother nods his head and mouths the words, "I'm watching," which automatically made Max smile.

     Max then looks back at Krist who has a serious expression on his face. He scans the leader and notices that he only has a gun and nothing more. If anyone saw this, they might find it offensive and think that Krist finds them too easy. But for Max, it was the opposite. In Krist's first brotherhood battle with Viktor, Krist was using a gun. The fact that he is also using a gun in this battle as well means that Krist is as cautious as the time he battled Busters.

     "Good luck Krist Hyusen," Max says, surprising his opponent.

     Krist scoffs and immediately wears his clown mask. Max wasn't expecting Krist to say anything back, but when Max got ready to turn around, Krist suddenly clears his throat and says, "Good luck."

     Max smiles a little as both of them walk their way to their respective base.

     While they were walking, Viktor suddenly appears on the stage with a microphone. "Welcome everyone to the second Battle of Brotherhoods!" Viktor announces, and only a few of the brotherhoods cheered.

     "On the left corner, we have the prankster, the jester, the baron, the master of all jokes, the joke himself, Master Joker!" Viktor announces, and Jokers - despite the rude introduction from their king - cheer for their leader to show their support.

    "Now on the right corner, we have the serf, the omega, the ignorant and ambitious white uniform..." Viktor pauses and suddenly asks, "What was your name again."

     Max glares at the king, which only made Viktor laugh like he was having the time of his life.

     "Alright, to get a better feel of the battle, here are some quick notes. Bases have a circular marking on the floor. If the opponent steps on your base, the circle turns orange. And if they're able to place their flag, the circle will turn red, which means you lose, simple as that," Viktor explains, and the two finally reach their respective bases.

     "Now for the mechanics of the game. Within twelve minutes, the first person to place their flag on the enemy's base wins. No rules apply for today's game, so do whatever the fuck you want. So, shall we begin our bidding?" Viktor jokingly asks, annoying not just Krist, but the rest of the brotherhoods too.

     "Just get on with it!" Krist shouts angrily, and Viktor hysterically laughs before pulling out an air gun and shouting, "Well then! Let the battle begin!"

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