Chapter 36

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Author's note: I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has showered this story with so much love! Please continue voting, commenting and sharing this story with your friends and acquaintances if you think this story deserves it!❤😊

Chapter is unedited

Soumya picked up the neon pink and yellow Himachali print of the shawl that the salesman had laid out for her and Shipra's examine.

"Aunty, do you like this one?" she asked holding the cloth for Shipra.

Shipra took the shawl and inspected the material. "This one is nice. I think my sister will really like this!"

Soumya smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. They had been roaming around the market because Shipra wanted to buy souvenirs for her family and friends. For almost an hour and a half, they had been going in and out of shops yet Shipra didn't like anything. Now, she realized why no one from the Rawat family had wanted to join them.

Another forty-five minutes later, the duo left the store with seventeen bags containing different styles and types of souvenirs.

"Thank you so much for coming with me, Beta," Shipra said as they walked towards her scooty.

Soumya smiled and lifted the seat, so Shipra could place the bags in the storage. "No problem at all, Aunty. I am glad we could find something you liked."

As Soumya was driving them home, Shipra made casual conversations about her life and education. Soumya noticed that Shipra talked a lot, but she was also really sweet. A lot like her own mother.

When she took the sharp turn towards their lane, someone almost ran right into them. Slamming on the break, she tried to stop the vehicle by using her legs as well.

"What the heck are you doing, Vincent?" she demanded. "Why are you popping out of blind zones?"

"Sorry." The teenager apologized. Luckily, he had moved away in the nick of time to prevent any accident.

"Are you okay, Aunty?" she asked Shipra, who appeared rightfully alarmed.

Shipra placed a hand over her chest and nodded. "I think so."

"You won't believe what just happened," Vincent spoke excitedly. As if he hadn't almost just caused an accident.

"What happened?"

"The guys from Shalininagar challenged us to a cricket match tomorrow," Vincent explained. "So, you have to be there to do the commentary."

Soumya had begun doing commentaries at these friendly local games for one and only one reason. So, she wouldn't be asked to participate in any sports activities. However, people now just assumed she had a passion for this and would ask her to do all sorts of hosting. Right from sangeets to kitty party's tambola nights. "I am busy tomorrow. I can't do it on such short notice. I told you that I need two-three days' notice." she lied.

"This about our society's pride!" Vincent spoke appalled by her rejection. "Nothing is more important than this."

"Maybe for you," she said, rolling her eyes. "Pick up a book and study, or do something useful with your time rather than getting into these mindless arguments and challenges." she scolded and then turned on her vehicle. "Now, move."

He refused to budge. "Dhara doesn't think these are mindless."

"Good. Then ask her to be the commentator along with the player. Move!"

Ignoring Soumya's instructions, he continued to stand in her path with a sullen face. "Dhara and Manoj will participate for sure, but we need more players. Most of the parents are refusing to let their children participate because of the scary adult players on the other team. So-"

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