Chapter 26

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Author's Note: Hello everyone!! Hope you all had a great festive season with your friends and family.

Chapter is unedited

"This is so beautiful!" Akash commented as Dhara pulled up to their destination- their home for the next 5 days. Like any other hill station in winter, it too had vast greenery  with beautiful pine trees and green shrubs that were now covered with a thin layer of snow.  The low clouds surrounded them gaving it a beautiful misty feeling. The few degrees drop in the temperature was enough to make everyone shiver, clatter their teeth and rub their arms keep warm.

"It is a small 2 kilometers hike to get up there." Dhara spoke after she had parked her jeep near the small makeshift signage for the hamlet.

"You guys finally made it!" Dhanvi said from a little further away where the rest of their group was parked.

"You won't believe what happened!" Dhara yelled as she hopped out of the vehicle and walked to them. "Oh...Nakul Bhaiya, How are you?"

Rudra raised his eyebrows in amusement when Soumya let down her hair that she had tied a few moments ago. She looked at him sheepishly and quickly got out of the jeep to greet Nakul taking Sweetie with her.

"I think she really does like him." Akash commented as the brothers watched Soumya shake hand with a man their age.

"You didn't ask her?" Rudra asked with faux interest. "I assumed you would know since you are always giggling and whispering in each other's ears."

Akash turned around and smiled mockingly. "Maybe you should sign up for a space program to live amongst your alien kind who are void of emotions."

"I have emotions!" Rudra snaped.

"Yes, of course, you do." Akash agreed. "Anger, Irritation, Disgust, Frustration... Should I go on?"

"Just shut up!"

"Let's go and introduce ourselves." Akash ordered when Ishaan took Sweetie's leash and took her to the trees where there squirrels and birds for her to smell and chase.

"Okay, Dadu." Rudra rolled his eyes, but followed Akash.

"Dr. Rudra," Nakul said with a smile. "It's a great pleasure to meet you again."

Rudra was taken aback at the sudden declaration. He tried to recollect where he had seen this man before. "Last year Delhi medical conference?"

"That's right!" Nakul grinned and shook Rudra's hand that he extended. "When Soumya told me you were going to be there, I was really excited to connect again."

"Don't you work for Kanika Bai Hospital?" Rudra asked from memory.

"Yes," Nakul's smile dropped and he looked in between Rudra and Soumya who appeared equally perturbed. "Is that a problem?"

Soumya began. "I assumed you'd be okay with-"

"I am! This is your project afterall. We Care is directly not affiliated with it, so it's fine that competitive hospital's doctor works with us." Rudra claried, shrugging.

"That's so cool!" Dheeraj said loud enough for the trio to look at him. Clearly Dhara had filled them in about their adventure at the dhaba. And without a doubt, making herself the hero in her retelling because Akash was mocking her quietly.

"Let's go, guys!" Keerti said trying to get everyone back on the track. "I would want to get this done before nightfall because it'll be freezing then."

Almost an hour and half later, they had finally managed to haul their supplies and equipment up the hill. Their camp was to be set up in the playground of a school while one of the residents had very kindly offered mattresses and pillows for them to board inside the school as opposed to them having to in tents like last time.

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