Chapter 31

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Author's note: A new chapter! Hope you're excited! A few of you have asked me why I have stopped giving vote targets. The reason is that it feels like blackmail because if you like what you read then you'll vote rather than it being a way to read further.

So, a humble request- Please, please vote and comment if you like what you read and want this story to reach more people and get some recognition.😊😊

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The mid-morning sun shone bright acting as a metaphorical silver lining to this entire situation. The number of people that had been around the area reduced significantly as the morning slowly came around. Leaving the cleanup and dealing with the loss to another day. A handful of villagers along with the medical volunteers sans Rudra, Soumya, Prajakta and Nakul, Dhara and her friends stayed back trying to help put together whatever they could before heading home. The exhausted team and supplies being the reason for ending the camp earlier than anticipated. A pair of government doctors had been stationed at the village by the government, hence they would receive adequate medical assistance if required. The factory's owner had sent a group of executives to check the damage and figure out the next plan of action. However, it seemed like the owner was going to make several changes to the working conditions and living arrangements along with compensation for everyone injured. All this had only happened because Dhara threatened the manager that she would go to the press if the company didn't take the responsibility to fix this situation. After which, he scrambled to get the big boss on the line. The situation seemed under control now as the patients requiring assistance had been shifted to the hospital and the rest of them were being provided adequate medical assistance. To everyone's relief, they had been able to pull through the night with only seven casualties.

"Akash," Keerti called out his name and waved. "Come have some tea and breakfast!"

"Thanks! I'll just wash my hands and be there." He yelled back as he made his way to the river.

Akash kicked off his shoes before squatting down on the bank of the river. Muscles that he had only read about in his medical textbooks and forgot about their existence in his body ached and protested at the exertion. Using the river water and soap he had grabbed earlier from the supplies, he scrubbed his arms and face trying to clean them. Everything hurt. The exhaustion and all the running around took him back right to his internship days where they would always be on the go. He had never thought that he would ever put his medical degree to use after these years. But, as they say, life works in mysterious ways. Although, he was extremely glad that he could help all those people who were injured.

A towel appeared in front of his face as soon as he opened his eyes after scrubbing his face with water to remove the traces of exhaustion.

"Thanks." He said to her in his most dispassionate voice. Why did he have such low self-esteem? Dhara's behaviour shouldn't have bothered him as much as it did. He thought he had been finally able to get over the constant belittling he had been subjected to all his life, but turns out, he hadn't.

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