Chapter 42

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Author's Note: Surprise!! Hope you like it!❤ Also, I apologize about not replying to your comments in the last chapter, but please know that I read every single comment and every one of them made me so happy. I really appreciate each one of you so much!! 😊

This Chapter is not edited

Dhara felt her sister slapping her back and calling out her name, but she was too sleepy to respond. She kept her eyes shut and hoped she could fall back into the deep dreamless sleep she was having a few moments ago.

"Dhara," Soumya whined as she pushed Dhara's leg off of her.

"What?" she whined back in protest and threw her arm and leg around her sister.

"Your phone's ringing. Turn it off," she mumbled in her sleep.

Dhara raised her head and tried to listen. It wasn't very difficult to notice the ring tune of her phone echoing the quiet room or to even find it. She reached over to check who was calling at such an odd hour.

WHAT? It's 2:30 in the morning she messaged Akash instead after ending his call.

I know the time, Mrs.Kohli. Meet me by the stairs in 10 minutes. And come alone. Akash's response came instantaneously. She noticed that he had just repeated her texts from two nights ago.

She frowned and sat up. Why? She asked.

Don't worry I won't murder you. He responded with a winking emoji.

Dhara rolled her eyes at the message and then responded with a simple K. Looking over at her sister, she made sure she was sleeping before she padded over to the bathroom. Clearly, he was trying to even with her for taking him out on an adventure. Well too bad for him. She knew every nook and corner of this area and nothing will surprise her.

As she stood in the bathroom brushing her teeth, the sudden realization of her actions surprised her. What the hell? Why was she trying to make herself look presentable in the middle of the night for Akash? Immediately she pulled out the toothbrush from her mouth and rinsed off the lather before untying her hair that she had pulled into a bun.

She tiptoed out of the bathroom trying to not wake up Soumya or Sweetie.

"Where are you going?" Soumya asked just as she began walking to the door.

She panicked. She never tried to or had the need to hide things from her sister. But, telling Soumya about her rendezvous with Akash seemed wrong and unnecessary. Picking up Sweetie who was in the middle of her stretching, she lied, "I think Sweetie was to go to the bathroom."

Soumya frowned in her sleep and lifted her upper body on her elbows. "Again? I just took her at 11."

"Maybe she ate something that didn't go well with her stomach. I'll take her." she blurted out and quickly left the room with Sweetie in her arms. Luckily, her sister seemed tired because she fell back asleep. Otherwise, she would have surely questioned her as to why she was volunteering to do a task in the middle of the night while she could be getting some precious hours of sleep.

When she reached the end of the dark hallway, she saw Akash's silhouette lit by the moonlight filtering in through the window.

He extended his arms and Sweetie jumped right into them. "I thought I told you to come alone," he said attempting to creep her out with his tone of voice.

She scoffed and took a seat beside him on top of the staircase. "What do you want? Why would you call me thrice in the middle of the night? I have to go to college tomorrow."

The Rawat Brides[Complete]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें