Chapter 44

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Author's note: Today is a very special day! On this very day last year, I published the first chapter of The Rawat Brides!! When I wrote this story I didn't know if it would be received well because of the simple storyline and characters, but what I thought was the story's weakness turned out to be it's selling point. The Rawat Brides has received so much love over the past year that I can't believe it's true. So, thank you to all the readers who were there when I first hit publish and to the ones who later joined Soumya, Rudra, Dhara and Akash on their journey of finding love.  I really hope you all will continue giving love to this story and these characters will hold a small space in your hearts for a while!

The chapter is not edited

Rudra haphazardly dried his wet body before quickly slipping on his clothes. As soon as he opened the bathroom door, a felt like he had just walked into deep freeze weather.  It wasn't the weather. It was his damp hair and body. Throwing his towel in a corner, he walked around the bed to get his glasses.

"Akash, wake up!" he said loud enough to startle Akash awake.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Akash asked as he opened his eyes and scowled. "Do you know how to wake up another person normally?"

"Just shut up," Rudra demanded while combing his hair back. He had no time for his brother's antics right now. "And get ready immediately."

Akash sat up on the bed and rubbed his eyes sleepily. "Why? What's going on? Everything okay?"

"Nothing is okay," Rudra murmured under his breath but didn't voice it out loud. "The guy from Uganda is coming to meet Soumya over lunch and they need our help to clean the place up."

Akash sat up a little more. "All of a sudden? Why didn't they give any prior notice?"

"I don't know you can ask them when they arrive."

"Why are you getting so pissy?" Akash frowned as he stood up and stretched his arms above his head.

"I am not!" he snapped back and stomped out of the room to find Soumya and speak to her. While he didn't know what Soumya felt for him, he knew that he needed to express his feelings for her. Regardless, of the consequences, he needed closure. Even if it was a rejection. His stomach fell at the negative possibility. Shaking off the negative thoughts, he reminded himself that he was a surgeon. He was taught to be prepared for the worst, but never to go into a situation with a negative mindset.

He knocked on her parent's room door. As far as he was aware the sisters were sleeping there. When no response greeted him from the other side, he carefully turned the knob and pushed the door open only to find the room empty. The bed was made and everything was put into place, but there was no sign of Soumya or Dhara.

Had Soumya gone to work?

As he was making his downstairs, he wondered if he should go speak to her at her clinic or wait for her to come back. Obviously, she would return soon if the family was coming for lunch, right?

"Rudra," Chandni's voice called out his name and he tried to smile at the old lady as she limped towards him. "You have already gotten dressed? Did you eat breakfast?"

"Not, yet. I was-"

"Come on then," Chandni tugged at his arm. "Eat something and then can you do me a favour?"

"Of course, Dadi." he nodded as he held her shoulder. "What do you want me to do?"

"Can you please go out to the market and buy a few things for the guests?" she asked with an apologetic smile. "If everything wasn't happening at such short notice, I wouldn't have told you to do it. If you are busy-"

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