Chapter 60

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Author's note: I know you all are mad at me for not updating for so long. I promised an update but couldn't deliver. But, if you are still around then thank you and I hope you like this chapter 💗 Thank you again for your patience!

A new chapter will be up soon!.

This chapter is not edited. Please don't worry about editing it for me! I'll be going back and editing it soon. 😀

“1 lakh.”

Rudra laughed at Dhara's joke before he realized she was being serious. “1 lakh?” he confirmed with Soumya, who was standing beside him.

Soumya shrugged. Not willing to help or interfere.

He scoffed. “You know how many shoes I can get for that price?”

“But they won't be these shoes though,” Shubham said dangling one of Rudra's shoes on his finger.

“I really have no personal attachment to these shoes. You can keep them.”

“What do you mean? These are the shoes you got married so they are special.”

Rudra opened his mouth to argue but Soumya's entourage cornered him and began chanting “1 lakh! 1 lakh! 1 lakh!”

“Okay. Okay.” He raised his hands in defeat. “I'll give you the money.”

“No, you won't,” Akash announced as he approached them with their cousins in tow.

“Where did you go?” Rudra hissed. “You left me all alone. And why are you all wearing sunglasses at the night?”

Akash made a sour face at Rudra and took off his sunglasses with a huff. “For dramatic entry purposes obviously.” He thrust his sunglasses in Rudra's hands before taking a step in between Rudra and the bridal group. “I'll take it from here,” he announced to everyone present.

“Oh like we took your brother's shoes?” Dhara teased.

Akash glared at their two cousins responsible for the safety of Rudra's shoes. At least they had the decency to look guilty. He crossed his arms over his chest and spoke to the bridal party, “What is done is done. Let's make a deal. 20,000 and you give back the shoes.”

“99 thousand?”


“1 lakh and 1 thousand.”

“You aren't being fair. Aren't you ashamed of trying to rip off your brother-in-law like this?” One of the cousins screamed.

The bride's side collectively turned quiet before bursting out into peals of laughter as their response.

“How about 30 thousand. Fair and square.”

“No bargaining allowed,” Kussum said, firmly.

“You know what?” Rudra interrupted. “Let's just agree for 1 lakh and-”

“Yes!” Soumya's friends and cousins screamed while his side of the family yelled a resounding “No!”

“Rudra,” Soumya whispered, tugging at his sleeve, trying to get his attention amidst the sudden mini-war that seemingly broke out between the two parties.

“Is this really necessary? I mean-”

“Of course, it is.” She waved her hand before leaning closer to him. “They'll figure it out though. I am not bothered by them. But there is something important I wanted to talk to you about.”

Rudra frowned as he observed her disturbed expression. “What's going on?”

“You remember that temple we went to a while ago?”

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