Chapter 41

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Author's note: This chapter is dedicated to sanely_nutcasereader. Happy Birthday!!❤❤

The chapter is not edited

Akash stood outside the room that his parents were staying in at the Awasthy house. The door was ajar and he could hear his dad speaking over the phone on the other side of the door. After a few long excruciating minutes, Akash heard his father hang up and then some rustling sounds of movement followed. He raised his hand to knock, but then immediately chickened out and dropped his hand precisely five times before he decided that it was now or maybe never. Taking a deep breath, he quickly knocked before he could change his mind once again.

"Come in." came his dad's distracted reply and his instinct to run away returned, however, he immediately reminded himself that his parents were leaving for Delhi along with Rudra. This burst of emotion may never return. He hesitated for another moment before he took another deep breath and entered the room.

Apurva looked up from the bag he was packing and appeared surprised when he noticed it was Akash who had just entered the room. "Your mom is downstairs," he informed as he went back to packing.

Akash opened his mouth to reply, but no words came out except a random strangled sound that made Apurva look up at him again but with a confused expression.

He cleared his throat and stepped closer to the bed. "I know, Dad," he mumbled and stuffed his hands in his pocket. "I wanted to talk to you."

Apurva stopped his task and stood up straight to face him. "To me?" he asked as he folded his arm and frowned.

Akash looked down at his father's feet trying to avoid Apurva's gaze. "I... about my photography." he blurted out.

Apurva let out a scoff and shook his head in disappointment before going back to his packing. "Now what? You're going to quit photography and become a film director and then after that try event planning."

All his inhibitions and nervousness dissipated and rage took their place. "This was a mistake! There's no point in talking to you about my life because you'll never understand. All you ever do is criticize me. That's exactly what you have done ever since I was a child. You broke my self-confidence by using every opportunity to compare me to Rudra. To remind me that I am good for nothing who always fails at everything in life. I am a failure. Is that what you wanted to hear? Will that make you happy then fine. I am a failure." he screamed.

Apurva looked taken back by his sudden outburst. But, before he could respond, Akash stormed out of the room.

Akash stood outside the room and leaned against the wall with his arms crossed as he promised himself that he would never speak to his father ever again.

He heard his father come out of the room and stand beside him. Akash harshly swiped his hand across his cheeks to remove traces of pent-up anger and frustration that had transformed into tears.

"Come in and let's talk." Apurva began, but Akash immediately refused by shaking his head.

"Let's talk in the room," Apurva instructed once again. This time his tone and body language weren't defensive or irritated.

"I don't want to now," Akash responded, aware that he sounded like a petulant child who was having a tantrum, but right now he felt like he had all the right to.


"Fine!" Akash huffed and stomped into the room and plopped himself on the bed. He didn't look up at his father even when he came and sat beside him on the bed.

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