Chapter 53

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Author's note: Hi guys, hope you all like the new chapter!

We are starting the final countdown starting next chapter. So, I am going to be giving a shout out to the top two funniest comments on this chapter in the next chapter.

A long unedited chapter ahead

1 week later

Akash tiptoed over to the door and gently pried the door open trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.

"Where are you going?" Rudra asked just as he was about to celebrate his success.

Akash swore under his breath. "I... to... get water."

"Okay," Rudra said much to his relief and went back to typing away on his laptop.

He exhaled quietly and quickly made his way to the stairs with the help of the flashlight from his phone. While walking downstairs in darkness, all he was worried about was that he was going to walk into something and cause a commotion loud enough to wake everyone up. Why couldn't Mrs. Kohli just decide to meet at a time that was considered appropriate by most human beings?

"What was such a pressing matter that couldn't wait till tomorrow morning?" he asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"You are late," Dhara said, still leaning against the kitchen counter. "Anyway it is very urgent otherwise I wouldn't have disturbed your beauty sleep,"

"So..." he drawled, closing the distance between them.

She quickly pushed past him to look outside the kitchen. "Okay... the coast is clear."

He wanted to tell her that no one except her, him and Rudra were awake this late in the night. But, he decided against it. "Dhara?"

"Yeah. So," she walked back to him and tucked her hair behind her ears. "Have you noticed the tension between Rudra Bhaiya and Di?"

He frowned, looking at her in confusion. "What?"

"You haven't noticed it?" she asked, mirroring his frown.

"Well..." He racked his brain trying to think about what she was saying. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that she was onto something. "I guess."

She rolled her eyes. "I guess? No, there is something clearly going on in between them."

"Okay? So?"

"So we have to fix their issue."

Akash immediately shook his head. "Dhara, how many times have you been warned about meddling?"

"This is not meddling. Our older siblings are having some difficulties and it's our responsibility to help them."

He pinched his lips trying to not laugh. "Okay. And how do you propose we do that?"

"By talking to them of course."

"Did you speak to Soumya?"

"I did. Last night and tonight as well but she won't tell me anything," Dhara huffed.

"So then how will we help them?"

"Simple. You'll ask Rudra bhaiya obviously."

"No way!" he laughed and began leaving, but she quickly blocked his path.

"Come on, Akash! Do you not want to help your brother?"

"Stop trying to guilt-trip me. I don't think I can talk to Rudra about feelings and stuff."

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