Chapter 45

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It's a special day today as it is our very own gif-queen aashi0403 birthday!😊 I hope you have a great birthday Aashi!❤

The chapter is slightly shorter than the others because I wanted to write this chapter and the next as one. But the word length was too much so I decided to break it down as two chapters according to what I thought was the best. Hope you like it!😀 Also, I have posted a spoiler collage at the bottom of the story. Any guesses of what's going to happen next?

The chapter is not edited

Rudra and Akash exchanged a look when they were asked to move the heavy royal blue and golden divan sofa for the third time by Dhara.

“Move it here!” she said from the other side of the terrace.

“Move it here.” Akash mimicked under his breath mockingly.

“What's taking you so long?” Dhara asked, with her hands on her hips.

Rudra smirked. “Why don't you say it a little louder? Maybe then she'll hear.”

Akash rolled his eyes. “I think I want to live a little longer,” he said as squatted and placed his hands underneath the divan. “Come on!”

Rudra hid his laughter and assisted Akash with moving the furniture as per Dhara's instructions.

“This is perfect!” Dhara clapped and smiled to display her approval.

Both the brothers let out a sigh of relief. The three of them looked around the terrace that they had decorated to cheer Soumya up. Considering they did everything themselves in an hour, they were proud of their success.

“We are here!” Manoj announced as Reena and he walked in with three bags which they all knew contained bottles of alcohol and snacks.

“Wow! This looks so beautiful!” Reena commented as she looked at the arrangement the trio had made.

“I know, right?” Dhara proudly grinned at them. With a sigh, she added, “I just hope Di likes it and we can cheer up a little.”

“I am sure she will,” Akash said nudging her playfully with his elbow.

Dhara smiled up at Akash before she turned her attention to the rest of them. “You all remember your dance moves?”

When everyone except Rudra nodded, she rubbed her hands together. “Perfect! Now, all we need to do is get Soumya Di here.”

“Yay!” Reena clapped.

Rudra sat down on the divan with a smile with Sweetie on his lap. Rubbing her belly, he looked up only to find the others looking at him expectantly. Realization dawned upon him after a few seconds of confusion. “Why am I responsible for this?”

“Because you didn't want to be a part of the dance routine, so I signed you up for this duty,” Akash informed with an overly sweet smile.


“If you want to take my spot in the routine, I'll do your task.” Akash offered, still grinning.

Dhara crossed her arms and gave him an accusatory glare. “I thought you wanted to help us cheer Di up?”

“I do, but... Okay, I'll try and go get her up here,” he said as he stood up.

“You're the best, Bhaiya!” Dhara grinned and moved out the way for Rudra so he could leave.

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