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"Hello hon!" My wife hugged me. I patted her.

"Where's my son..?" I asked. I wanted to see them both.

"See you guys later!" The bald man said and they waved. Guess they're heading back to the headquarters.

Y/n held my hand and pulled me somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I asked. She's pulling me fast tch.

"To your son.." she said.

It's funny on how she ran with her fitted skirt like that.. and she looks tall wearing that heels. We entered the infirmary and saw my son.

"Is he sick?" I asked.

"What? No." She carried viel and gave him to me.

Then why is he in the infirmary.. he might get germs from here.

"Hi baby.." i talked to my son. He just holds my face and..

"Hon!" Y/n shouted and laughed.

My son just punched me..

We got to say bye at the queen and returned to our home. I changed clothes and y/n too.

"How's.. there?" She asked.

Tch. I don't even know what's good or bad there..

"Nothing much happened.." i said and carried my son.

"Put him down.. he's sleeping." Y/n chuckled. "You'll wake him."

My bad.

I carefully put him on his crib. "It's good to take care of him huh?" I said.


I looked at my wife. "Wanna take care of two---" she cut me off.

"Levi.. you should get some rest." She said and put some blanket on viel.

"Okay.. brat." I said and lay down. "Can't sleep." I said and she looked at me.

"Right.. armin told me that you aren't sleeping for months when i'm gone at the central?" She asked.

Tch. That coconuthead..


She climb on top of me and lay down on my chest. "Sleeeep.. levi." She said.

"Get off there." I said.

"I won't.. until you're asleep."

Why is my wife so hard-headed..

"How can i sleep if you're on there.. it's hard to breathe." I told her.

"Oh yeah! I'll just.." she rolled down beside me and hugged me. "Much better." She exclaimed.

Much better..

I closed my eyes and patted her head.

"Wait.." she said.

What is it now..

"Are there cute girls there?" She asked. What the

"Why'd you ask?"

"Because you might--" here she go again.

"I won't." I said and closed my eyes again.

"As you should." She sais and hugged me.


As eren disappeared out of nowhere... they didn't know that eren actually left the Paradis Island.

MY LOVELY BRAT (Levi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now