Chapter 17

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(Guess who's POV.)

I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy in my entire life. Nothing could have prepared me for this moment or time. I swear I was as high as a kite once you’ve let go of its string when I smelled her at that place. Her lavender and honey scent stick out above the rest. I could tell it was on everything.

Then, when her back was to me and I saw her lovely hair, my kite just went a little higher and so did my private. Her hair was so beautiful, she was so beautiful. I wanted, no, I needed to touch her. To make sure, to feel the sparks, to feel the connection and pull even more. But when she moved I whimpered on the inside and wondered why she moved.

She mumbled her apology and then we were introduced. Eivanna, that name fit so perfectly. Nobody in my pack had that name and it made me want to jump for joy. I still wanted to touch her, so I quickly held out my hand for her to shake and I knew she felt it to. But what she had did next sadden me. She turned around and talked about her work, and honestly, I wasn’t even paying attention to it, so my comment was mainly meant for her.

I saw the pup from the corner of my eye looking at her took with a look I couldn’t place. Was it love? Adoration? Hurt? Regret? I found it, it was regret. I never knew that look because I never regretted anything, so far at least.

But when she left, I just had to follow her, smell her, see her, touch her. I got some of the things I wanted. And after being with her for those couple of seconds, I decided to go and search for her room. I know that sounds like a stalker but I wanted to find out what kind of person she was and mother says you can tell a lot about a person by their room.

I told John through mindlink to make up an excuse for me. I had almost forgotten the reason for coming here, it’s not like me and this Alpha were allies, but then I remember it was to find mates for my pack members. I didn’t have a problem with not meeting mines yet, I wanted my members to be happy. But finding her, I knew it would make everybody happy, so that’s why I tagged along on this trip and I don’t regret it.

I searched every floor visible and still couldn’t find her scent at all and it was making me frustrated. Did a beauty like that not live here? Her scent is everywhere in all of the rooms, so I know she spends countless amount of time here.

I was down stairs close the Alpha’s office when I heard something heavy fall, it sounded like it came from a door down the hall, so I headed that way. The crash was so loud, it almost shook the house. Even some people who were heading outside heard it and as they rushed to a door that looks like it lead downstairs, I followed.

We came to the holding cell area and then turned the corner and came face to face with a door lying on the ground. It smelled like it was laced with silver or came in contact with it and then her smell hit me loud and clear. That confused the mess out of me.

We got closer to the entrance and almost all of them were knock down because of the silver that was highly coated in that room. I couldn’t even walk in the room all the way. Then, like a ball of fire, she ran out of the room and upstairs, and I followed her. When we got outside and she went berserk. I was stunned when I felt how angry she was. Nobody would want to cross her with all that anger. She seemed like she wasn’t in her right mind.

I had to get her out of there. When we were about to leave she went to the kitchen and made sure the desserts were still okay. Her words were true, I could tell the pack relied on her. It’s like she was happy to do it.

Within the short minutes of knowing her, well seeing her, I could tell a few things. She was great with designs. She was their omega but wasn’t. She truly cared for her pack members. She went through a lot of hard times. Her anger is out of control, but she can put up a fight. She’s kind and sweet and downright a good person.

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