Chapter 37

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I think I was starting to worry myself sick. I didn't pay attention to a single word the Alpha's were saying in their office. I was too busy pacing by the door, on the inside, and trying to figure out if my assumptions were right.

'If we go over there he'll know and will probably lie. If we don't go he'll continue this shit boat of shit...

''Shit boat of shit? Really?' Arianna interrupted me.

'What will he do next? When did he have the time to plan this? What the hell is he thinking? Why does he want me?' I couldn't think of anything else so I stopped pacing.

Staring at the ground in silence. I heard nothing, thought nothing, felt nothing.

~~Five minutes later~~

I gasped for a breath as, basically, life was brought back into me. Then one thought came back to me.

"Dear sweet, stupid, child. You should have stayed an Omega, now you're mother is going to end up like your father, in the grave. Then, so will you. You want to seek me out, just follow my trail, but come alone. Don't need more people you love dying do you? You don't know me but trust me you will. And seeing as those filthy, worthless, freeloaders couldn't keep you in your place, I'll have to. See you soon sweet, stupid, child."

"" My eyebrows furrowed. "It's not's not, he didn't know...he wasn't born. Not him but who?

"Sweet, stupid, child."

" the grave."

" dying..."

"...filthy, worthless, freeloaders..."

"Sweet, stupid, child."

"Sweet, stupid, child."



"Oh goddess helps us no." Me and Ari, practically said at the same time.

"Why did you bring her here? You weren't suppose to bring that girl here."

"But she was alone and being nice and she smells so sweet...."

"YOU stupid child. YOU don't understand.....sweet? YOU don't....she can do. I swear you.....child. Get her out of here!" I jumped at the booming voice.

'What did I do wrong?' I asked Ari, but she was being quite.

"But I don't want to." SMACK! It was heard loud and clear.

"Savannah, Orion, get my son out of here and take that vile girl home."

"Will she be able to come back?" Castro asked timidly.

"NO and I will make sure she stays in her place. Ariel, you have a job to do."

A couple of days after that.

"Hello everyone I'm glad you could all make it to the pack meeting without troubles. Well I have some wonderful news." Damian paused. "I've found my mate." He finishes with a happy sigh. "Darling, come on stage." He waves a girl up and encourages her to speak to everyone.

"As Damian," she says his name with a happy sigh, "had said. I, Ariel Kass Grale, am his mate and I accept that with all of my heart. I've came from a...tough...situation back home and decided to look for my mate when I came across this lovely pack land and smelled his intoxicating smell. I don't regret stepping foot here and I hope you all can accept me as I promise to love and care for everyone of you."

'No she won't.' My wolf hissed, trying to surface to stake her claim, but I wouldn't let her.

'Let them lie, I'm glad I won't have to sleep with that 'dog'.' I told her, pun intended and all, which had her barking a little happily and sadly inside me.


I started to leave, then looked back to glance and the 'Luna'. She noticed me looking and had a huge smirk on her face. I may not want him, but I wanted to rip that smirk off her face.

"How did I forget that? Castro? Ariel? But...but Castro...hunter? Ariel? Ariel? What happened to him? His 'father'?" I thought out loud.

"Alpha Black." I basically yelled and jumped spinning towards them as they were already watching me.

"Can you look up or find any information on hunters?" I ask, hoping he could, and he could due to him nodding."Good because I need to talk to someone, before I meet up with him." They looked at each other then back at me and raised eyebrows.

I just smirked then let it grow into a smile, a sweet innocent smile, that turned into a mischievous look.

'If you were, we were, insane I could picture you laughing evilly right now.' I agreed with Arianna. I could scare myself with the look on my face right now.


I know this chapter is short, it's meant to be that way because of her flashback. It's kind of a filler but it gives you information. Who remember the hunters she caught?

Anyway, I've been wondering if I should change the title of the book. Looks like she's getting more than a second chance. SO I'll leave it up to you guys and gals on what I name this book. Because I have no clue and I'd like your opinion. SO comment or inbox me an idea for the title and I'll happily think about it to see if it fits and matches the idea for this book.

The Omega's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now