Chapter 39

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Surprise POV!?!?

I knew she was coming so I'm waiting for her. She was going to be very surprised once she sees me. I haven't seen her in a long time. I wonder if she remembers me? I still remember her, ever since meeting her I've wanted her.

She truly is sweet, smells just like honey, I favored that more than the lavender. I never liked flowers. I didn't care too much that she smelled of dog either, her beauty outshined that.

She would be right beside me if that bastard didn't stop me earlier, then that prick had to just show up. I was going to pop up over the summer and make her run away with me. I know she remembers me, I'm just glad she doesn't remember overhearing that conversation. As an embarrassment of a conversation that was.

I need to kill that 'man' of hers. NO, not her's, she's mines and I will make her see that. But by god what is taking her so long. I instantly shake my head at the thought. If I remember anything from my intrigued meeting with her, is that she makes sure she has all the facts first. I'm glad I gave her the easiest people to crack under pressure. That damn girl wouldn't have been able to keep her mouth shut, especially not after he mate died.

Yeah, yeah I was watching, making sure they did as planned. Although I was sad that I didn't get to see my love amongst those that fought. I would never have her missing a fight.

My little love is feisty and cold hearted when it comes to killing, that's what I like most about her. It's like it didn't faze her, just like it doesn't faze me. I mean come on, I killed my father for crying out loud. Heartless? I know but my beauty is too. She needs me to be strong, well at least I have to match her strength, that's the whole reason why I killed her parents. They wouldn't have made it out of that car crash alive, just like those members won't make it out of that house alive.

One thought does come to mind though, she's still at that pack place. It's like she's mourning them or something, if not then she should be here by now. They weren't there for her, so what does she have to mourn over? I know she'd want to know who did it. Like I said she's cold hearted, but she can try to kill me, I'll make her fall in love with me. All over again.

I wonder if she'd forgotten my confession.

"Eivanna?" I question as we sit at a park in her territory. She looks over at me with questioned eyes and tilted head. I swallow nervously.

'God why is this so hard, why is it so hard to tell her how I feel? Ugh, why does she have to be so pretty, nice, and sweet. She's like the most caring person I'd met and she's gentle. Yet she has her feisty side that is all her with no wolf needed.'

I looked away from her and gaze at Savannah and Orion playing with each other. I was jealous of their instant connection and the love they have for each other. I hope, deep inside me, for the girl sitting right because me, waiting for me to collect my thoughts.

God, that's another thing. She doesn't push people, she even talks over people to get her point across that they need to shut up and think. Why is she so god damned perfect?

I turn back to her still nervous. "Take your time Cas, we got time." She says in her soft voice with her heart-melting smile.

And with that I found all the courage I needed. While still watching her smile I practically poured out my heart to her. "I know what happened with everything with you and you basically know everything about me. I know you could never love me as a mate because I'm not your mate, but Eivanna, I want to be in your life. I can't settle for brother figure nor friend. I want to settle, I want to be your boyfriend. I want you to like me, hell, love me like I love you." I said in one go.

Her smile dropped. I know I had cut her a little deep with the whole mate comment thing. I needed to say all of it before I lost the courage.

"Don't answer yet, I'd...I'd like you to meet my dad." I said with a smile. "Okay?" It took her a couple of minutes, but she nodded with a small smile. I know it was small but it made me smile bigger.

I swear I hated my father at that moment. He was my role model because of how strong he stayed when mother fell ill, but he ruined it within that moment.

Although he did keep up an update on my love, that was the good part. The thing is Ariel didn't do what she was suppose to. We couldn't trust her anymore due to her love fest. She fell in love with the dumbass that rejected my beauty.

Nonetheless, I was shocked to see she'd gained another one. Well not just anyone, the one, the instant-before he was born-famous Donovan fucking Briggs. I'd spit on graves just thinking about that bastard and his 'family'. The only thing good my 'father' did was stop the member that started that god damned rumor about him doing some good shit. But then again they still rose. Damned pricks and sluts, all of them in that damn pack. They try being nice to each other, but they all hold secrets and lie to one another.

Anyway, Ariel had fallen in love and she was stupid enough to believe he'd fallen for her too. If he did he wouldn't have went to get his 'ex-mate'.

That fight is still fresh. How I know? I was there. Everybody were in wolf form so no one noticed me. And I watched...I watched my beauty hand it to that little piece of shit. She moved perfectly then once it was over I kept watching. I saw what she did, although I was confused and fascinated by what happened.

There's something about her that captivates people, especially by all the things she does. Then I remembered something.

"You don't....know what she is....what she" HE says while choking on his own blood a the same time. "She''ll never under...stand,"

"Well then why don't you explain while you can still breathe." I hissed at him.

"I can''ll...never do what be...done." He was breathing harder now.

"And what is that?" I ask sarcastically.

"Kill her." Was his simple answer, when in truth it wasn't just that simple because he was right.

"Why would I need to do that?"

"You don't even...h-have the...courage. You couldn' I did. Love." He spits the word trying to laugh. " She'll lo..." Before he could even finish that I snapped his neck to stop his pathetic suffering.

I realize he never got around to answering my question on why I'd have to kill her. I don't see why, she's perfect. And he's wrong, she will love me.

'One thing though, I'm glad I killed him, I don't regret it one bit. Just like I don't regret killing my love's parents. They failed her like he failed me. I hope she's happy with my work.' I finish that thought with a smile.

My smile only widened when I caught a scent of my love traveling towards me. She will be ever so surprised that her Castro has returned for her and other words, a new Castro.

Pic of Castro

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