Chapter 22

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(A/N) First and foremost I would just like to tell you lovely, lovely readers that I am overjoyed that you all have read my book, given it a chance, and voted and even the little comments make me happy. I know (kind of like me) not everybody is going to vote or comment even if they do like the chapters or book in all, so that doesn't really hurt my feelings. But as long as you keep coming back for the next chapter, I will praise you to the end of the world. Having people give this book a chance means more than votes or comments. Everytime I check the reads and it goes up, it makes me more happy. (A/N.O) Happy reading ~~Shar-rae


Elise's POV

As I walked into the office of my all time favorite store in the whole entire world, a voice spoke from behind the desk.

"Elise my dear and lovely mate, you just missed the most wonderful girl in the world and the most world renowned Alpha of his time." George, my mate said. And I know what you're thinking, he is not the reason why this is my all time favorite store. Okay, well maybe part of it. It's because it is ours and I love designing more than anything in the world.


"Our granddaughter." I gasped, he had to be joking, right? Our granddaughter to our only daughter? She lives hours from here and the nearest pack with her parents.

As if reading my mind he spoke again. "My dear, she was here with her mate, Alpha Donovan Briggs." I gasped again.

"Oh my that is just wonderful, a lovely accomplishment. The goddess picked these two perfect mates at best."

"You also know what that means don't you darling."

I nod, "In nine days tops, she will know what you've given her."

"That she will, that she will. Now, lets make two phone calls." He gathers me in his lap as he picks up the phone. I dial the Alpha's number and put it on speaker. He hands me the phone and I put it beside the base.

"Ah just the two people I was going to call. Did Alpha Briggs visit?" Our Alpha asked.

"Yes he did, along with his mate." George answered.

"Oh his mate and not his mother this time? I bet they have some fun talking about all that stuff you like Elise. Bet you would want to meet her." I gasped, fake assaulted.

"Why I've never. It's called interior design, my dear Alpha, and unlike you and my mates passion for leather, which I still swear I will never understand..." George cut me off, probably for a good reason.

"You know Alpha and Elise, she said that leather is uncomfortable and that suede or fabric is more comfortable. I told them Elise said, well what she always say about leather and Alpha Briggs asked if she also say 'chicken is never good reheated."

"Well it's not." I interrupted, which it seemed like he ignored.

"Then he said that he needed to meet my mate so he can say he has met five women who says that." He chuckled and I couldn't help but giggle as well.

Alpha Black, just grunted. "Well they do."

"Anyway, after she had left the office to buy her things, Alpha Briggs stayed. Well only because she didn't want him in the way and he still wanted to talk to me. She also said because he likes leather. We asked what's wrong with leather and she said nothing at all......for men." I couldn't help my laugh this time and I can tell Black couldn't either.

"Well now I have to meet her." He said on the other line.

"So after she left, that's when he asked me about the look I had given her earlier."

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