Chapter 49

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'Run aways.' We link again at the same time.

This group doesn't have their higher authority with them and they don't smell like rouges. They haven't once talked nor linked about an Alpha, Beta, nor third. They have to have ranaway, which means their Alpha can find them. When I think back to everyone that came, they have warriors amongst them. If they aren't running away then that could also mean that they are here because their Alpha sent them to be less threatening.

Getting out of my head for now and speak openly to Donovan. "Once everyone is finished setting up out here, we will need help bringing the food out, so get some people to help them. Also I would like for all the children out here as well, most understand very well and I need them to be cautious."

"I know Beautiful. They will be out here during the meeting," his words sooth a bit of my worry. "Don't be worried, we won't let any one them get harmed. Even if your father chooses side." He slides in there at least minute. I swear I got whiplash and I didn't even move.

I groan and try speaking without being angry or frustrated. "That. That. Man." I sigh, inhale and then exhale. I did say try. "He is a discussion for another time, not now, most definitely not now." I sigh one more time. "Anyway, back to helping you specimen you. I need to go check on everyone."

"Okay Beautiful. Come to me soon."

I hum before answering in a lowly whispered voice. "You would like that wouldn't you Diotanz." He shivers and purrs, which I think is more Rom because he loves to purr. I leave with a laugh at his lust filled eyes.

'Oh I am loving this side of you second, you little sex addict.' Ari laughs and I giggle to it. 

When I make it over to the group not helping, I put on a soft smile. "Hello everyone, would any of you like something to drink?" They either shake their heads no or say no. "Well is there anything I can get yo as you wait? Everything should be finished in ten to fifteen minutes."

"No we are okay." Anthony speaks, finally.

"Very well, if you'll excuse me." I turn to leave and my eyes land on Donovan who smiles at me and I can't help but give a quick smile before he goes back to actually working with the chair in his hand.

'Man I love him.'

"Actually, um..." I quickly slide to the left and then turn to face them. The person that was going to touch me is on my left side now instead of my right.

"Did you decide you wanted something Tain?"

"How did you, what just, uh no, no I um just had a question but I uh forgot it." He stutters about.

"Oh, well okay then. Well you should know that touching is accepted when known about it. Like how when you showed up unannounced and was attacked." I throw back in his face just slightly and I don't apologize. I saw what happened in someone else's mind. He was challenging our warrior. 

I leave them and head into the house. I spot the ones not helping in here easily. They're all in the dining room that's connected to the kitchen. Their conversations from earlier still do not sit well with me. They talked about Donovan and I as if we didn't matter. Like the supernatural world would be better off without us. If I recall, every other supernatural beings have royals except us and they're not hunted and don't have as many rouges as we do. They say everything is perfect the way it is, yet they came here, from some unknown place to us without an Alpha. And that fact still doesn't sit well with me. Packs need an Alpha just like an Alpha needs a pack.

"Hello again everyone. You all still don't want anything?"

"No we are good, thank you though Luna." Steven says. 

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