Chapter 19

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(Guess who's POV)

When his lips touched mines, my eyes instantly closed and when they opened again I saw we were in his room...or our room? Anyway, we were in the room I woke up in. That kiss had me so captivated that I didn’t even register the soft material underneath me. I swear I can kiss him for days and days on end.

Than, as if answering my prayers, he kissed me again and this time much, much deeper. And as his tongue ran over mines and explored my mouth, it was like I was kissing fruit and sparkling pink lemonade. It made my stomach flutter and grumble at the same time, which caused me to break the kiss and laugh.

“Well, seems like someone is hungry. So what are you hungry for Beautiful?” Donovan’s voice asked heavily or husky. All I could do was look up at him with hunger and lust were in my eyes.

That look made him shoot out of my arms and into the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on and very heavy breathing. I sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed slightly confused. I was going to go in there after sitting there for a minute or two but his strained voice stopped me from getting up.

“, I’ll take a...uh...shower now can later, so uh...yeah.” A whimper escaped my lips. I wanted to go in there and finish what we started. That lovely make out session had me floating like a butterfly and him pulling away stung like a bee.

‘That was so perfect, better than before.’

‘And to think when you spend the rest of your life with him...’

‘It’ll just get better.’ I finished for Ari. ‘As long as he doesn’t pull away.’ I added sadly.

‘Oh trust me he did not want to pull away.’ I cocked my head to the right with my mouth slightly open and the tip of my tongue was touching one for my side tooths. I always do this when I’m curious. ‘Honey did you not see how tight his pants had gotten. Trust me he’s in there to take a cold shower.’

‘So, that’s a good thing?’

‘Yes E, YES.’

‘Okay good, but why does he need a cold shower?’

‘Because you smokin’ hot and he’d rather be inside you than the shower.’

‘Oh.’ Her words made my cheeks turn really red. ‘Well that’s...uh...really good.’ Then out of no where my stomach growls again and I remember why the kiss got broken. ‘Ah those butterflies.’

“Honestly, I’ve never in my life felt like that and it felt wonderful. Like it was meant to be, like Donovan and I were meant to be. That feeling could undo all the pain I’ve felt over the years and I’ve felt so much pain to the point where I don’t even black out anymore. All I could feel was the constant pain and want to either die or pass out. You were there Ari, you know how much I craved for something to happen, to feel something other than the pain. But that feeling was the complete opposite, I could pass out from pure happiness.”

I didn’t know Diotanz was back in the room until I felt a shadow over me and his hand brush away the fallen tears that I didn’t allow to escape. They had a mind of their own.

“And I am proud that I can bring you happiness Eivanna.”

“I said all that out loud didn’t I?”

He nods. I really have to stop doing that, even though it’s only around him and Annie. “I hate that you had to endure so much pain during you….” He trails off and furrow his eyebrows as if questioning something. “You’re 18?” He said is a questionable statement.

“Yes I am, but only for 10 more days.”

“On the Lunar Eclipse.”

I’ve always wanted to see an Lunar Eclipse. “To me my hair is the same color as the Lunar Eclipse.”

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