Chapter 41

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"Call me father."



"Call me father."

'What the hell? Father? He's who's father? My father? Huh?'

I blink. I believe that's the first time I've blinked since that word slipped from his mouth. That man, a man I don't know the name of. That man who calling himself my father. He's dead, he died before I was born. He can't be. He never knew I existed. He couldn't have.


'Who named me that? Is that my name? Eivanna? Who gave it to me? Would my father had called me that?'

"Eivanna, love?"

An unknown voice called me love. I didn't recognize that voice. That voice wasn't Donovan.

'Donovan. Where is Donovan? Where is mate? And Roman, second mate?'

"Giver her something to knock her out." Those words...that voice. Blackness.


I've been siting her, as straight as a board, in a chair in a random room, for the past half hour, I think. I don't know who moved me, I don't remember actually seeing their face. I don't even remember waking up. 'Was I sleep?'

I remember sitting up straight and just staring off in space with a blank mind. I could hear people in the room talking, but the words went in through one ear and out the other. Some of those words had to do with me, but I don't remember them.

As of right now, I don't even know what I'm looking at. Before someone moved me, I actually, honestly, couldn't see. I felt awake, yet asleep. At the moment my eyes are open, but I can only see black.

It...I feel like my system has shut down. 'Does that make ma a computer, electronic device? Aren't they the only things that can be shut down?'

I blink. I breathe. I stand and there's silence.

I blink. I breathe. I stay still and they wait.

"I think....I have to go." I take a step and a flash of color makes me stop. With another step, I see more light and some color stays. With a few more steps, the clearer my vision becomes. I blink at the brightness of sunlight; realizing I'm outside now, I keep walking.

"Go? GO where? You're not going anywhere." A voice says behind me. I don't acknowledge them, instead I follow my gut and walk.

As I walk, my mind opens and I don't mean just to my mate and pack. It's open to almost every werewolf in the world. So as my mind is opening, I'm walking to a clearing. Although as I look around it doesn't seem like I'm in the same clearing. I look around and the area fades in and out of this clearing and another; yet the other one is a more...broken down, old-ish clearing.

I notice the footsteps behind me falter and I hear yelling. Looking back I notice the ones following me shouting, yet I couldn't hear them. They look like they were pounding on something, like a barrier.

"Come with me." An airy voice says in the direction I was walking. Turning around I come face to face with a castle that surely wasn't there before. A woman, who face is unknown, with a white flowing to the floor dress. "Come." She says again, motioning towards her. In a trance I walk towards her, but my steps fall flat when I hear another voice.

"Beautiful!" Donovan says in my head.

"Don." I say with a happy sigh and a smile. Then, that too, falls flat. I focus on the woman again. I want, need him here with me, he's my confidence. I try to look her in the eyes so she can see, know what I wanted. "Please." I try pleading with her.

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