Chapter 26

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  • Αφιερωμένο στον/ην DizzFab

He just had to drag me up. No. Someone just had to request us to dance. I’m a horrible dancer and I’ve never slow danced or danced with someone else. I can’t dance. Not with any fiber of my being. My being wasn’t saying ‘Oh Eiva girl you aren’t that great but you got some moves’. No it was saying ‘Hahahahahahahahahahahahahah. You. Dance. Hahahahahaha.’

‘Haha Eiva you sure can’t dance.’ Ari said. See told ya’, the fiber said it herself. ‘What? Since when am I fiber?’

‘Oh..’ I was about to comment back until I realized he really did get me out of my seat and we were in the middle of the dance floor.

“Eiva you haven’t breathed in the past three minutes, love please breathe.” I did as he said. “Are you scared?” I nodded. “Good.”

“What?” I say looking at him confused. “How is that good?”

“It means you’ll let me hold you.” He says cheesly, and sadly, I couldn’t help but laugh a little. He smiled triumphantly. ‘Oh I see what you did there.’ I tell him through mindlink.

‘Well look at yourself, your calm and breathing, but not only that, you’re moving.’ I looked down and realized we were moving side to side and in a circle while he had me flesh to his body. One of my hands were on his shoulder, while he held the other one and his other hand was on my waist.

I looked up at him and smiled softly, which had him holding his breathe. ‘Now look who needs to breathe.’ I say smugly. I couldn’t help it, he's just so cute when his eyes fill up with lust, adoration, and love.

‘Oh trust me, I’ll have to remind you to breathe a lot tonight.’ Catching the message in his words, my cheeks and neck heat up big time. He puts the hand he’s holding on his shoulder then moves that hand to hold my waist also. Then he brings me even closer. ‘So do you want to announce the mating or wait until after.’

Sadly I didn’t get to answer him because he stopped dancing and his eyes took on a whole new expression, which I have to say almost scared me. Everything stopped, even the music. People were standing and some were looking angry.

I looked at my ‘grandparents’ and they were also confused. Then that’s when I heard it, a loud howl following my a menacing grown, but I didn’t jump or shiver or get scared. I used my left hand and touched Donovan’s cheek, which caused him to snap his head down at me sharply.

‘Get. To. Work. Alpha.’ I say slowly so he would understand that I knew. I nodded then took control of the situation, but he didn’t tell me what to do.

As he started to command the fighters and men, I knew what I had to do. I kept calm and looked at the women and children. “Ladies, kids how about we go inside. Annie.” I sought her out. “Annie, still wanna play super spy?” She nodded then start talking to the kids as the women came to me.

“I need to know, who all can fight.” At the least, 20 to 25 raised their hands and I nodded, then turned to see Donovan and some of the guys about to enter the forest.

‘Donovan.’ I said and he instantly turned and looked my way. ‘Take all the men, we can handle the house.’

‘I need someone to protect you love.’

I eyed the teens moving towards the kids. ‘How many can fight?’

‘20 or less, their still in training.’

‘Well, we’ll consider this training.’

‘For my sake, please keep those men, they will protect all of you.’

‘For your sake, I’ll keep six.’ He nods and then looks for the six he wants to stay. Once he spotted the ones he wanted he called their names.

“Stay with them, follow Luna’s order.”  They nodded and the others moved out. I looked around at everybody and then it hit me.

‘What just happened? Did I just stand up and take charge? I’ve never...I’

‘Okay, calm down, now that their following your order, it’s not time to panic.’ Ari reminded me. ‘Keep the charge and the calm and keep our pack safe.’ With those last words, I knew I had my sanity back. Our pack. This is my pack and like I told Annie, I will keep this pack safe.

“Alright, Annie!” She came towards me. “Elise! Samuel! Drake!” I called all their names after and they moved towards me. I then realized George went with mate. Samuel is the teen who had gotten the s’mores for the fire pit. Drake is one of the men Don left with us. “Annie and Samuel, get the kids and those who have no training into the basement and lock the door and if their are windows make sure no one can get through them, take every precaution.” I mainly tell the teen and he nods.

“The teens that have been training stand by the door. I want some of the woman by this door with me Drake, Mike, and Mark.” Mike and Mark are actually twins. “Shane I want you close to the kids and teens with some women. Close to the front door, I want the rest of the woman and Andrew and Adam.” Sadly those aren’t twins but they are brothers. Donovan informed me who were stronger and I want to stronger ones by the doors and close enough to get the kids away safely. “I will check up on everyone. First, those guarding the front go in, then the kids and teens, followed by us. Lets move.”

As they started going in, I looked out at the suppose to be celebration. Whoever did this I want to see them.

‘Well you can.’

‘Huh?’ I asked Ari.

‘You can.’

‘How?’ I asked curious.

‘Close your eyes,’ she instructed me, ‘feel your connection to our mate. Feel like you're seeing through  his eyes.’ I felt for the string that leads to our connection. Once I felt it full force, I saw blurry visions of fur. I couldn’t get a full picture of where they were at.

Then I shivered, like I felt a presence looking at me or him. ‘Look left.’ I whispered to him and when he did he came face to face with Damian’s wolf.

‘Randy?’ I heard Arianna speak to him.

‘Arianna?’ He perked up.

‘Are...are you helping? What’s going on?’ She shakily ask him.

‘No I’m not, I swear. He’s….he told them, and most of them agreed, to get their Omega back. I want your happiness, I swear.’ At the word Omega, not only did he growl it out but Roman did as well. I guess he could hear too.

All of a sudden Damian looked away and started on a different trail. ‘What is he doing? Where is he going?’

‘He’s coming towards the house.’ Donovan growled out and he started moving towards the way Damian went, but then four wolves jumped around him. ‘Be prepared love, please be safe.’ He tells me with so much faith.

When I open my eyes, I realize I was on my knees and people were standing around me calling my name. When I growled they all jumped back. ‘Get in the house now he’s coming. Everyone stay close. I got this.’ I tell them all through mindlink and stand up. I don’t know what their reply is but they all move.

I felt two presence behind me but I didn’t look back. I closed my eyes and waited.

‘Randy?’ Ari connected with him again. ‘I might, we might…..I can’t.’

‘If you have to, do it. I want to be away from this, from him, but I’ll always be with you.’ He told her, all three of us knowing what this might end up coming to.

A fight to death, a brave sacrifice, or a surrender. I hope for the sake of all of us here tonight that its not two of those.

I knew happiness didn't last long all the time, but this time was too short for me. If I don't end this tonight then it will, would, go on for a lifetime. I don't want to spend a lifetime fighting for my happiness. I rather sacrifice it for the lives of this pack, then the carelessness of theirs. So it's time I end this, for my happiness and my family's. For my second chance.

The Omega's Second ChanceΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα