Chapter 45

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Laying in bed, I stare at my sleeping mate, for an hour I've been staring and he hasn't woken up yet.

I can't describe how I felt when I woke up. We have to tell the pack about yesterday and Castro. His name in itself holds hatred in my mind. I...I wanted to believe he was the same person I had met, but he's different. To take me from my mate because he 'loves' me. I just, he makes no sense to me. He knew I could, wouldn't return his feelings, yet he....tries, still wants me?

He never had me. And as I stare at 'Diotanz', I still wouldn't have been Castros'. Some people reject and give up their mates for others, Damian did, but I wouldn't give up Donovan; not now not ever.

But still, as I think about what's to come, the hatred I feel is also for myself. I don't want my second chance to have to fight, lose their lives, for me--my past. I rather it stay in the past, but I know there's no way Castro's giving up nor is the pack, Donovan, going to hand me over. I just wish, hope, no one in my new pack, new life, gets hurt, killed.

As I look at Donovan I know I can't--won't lose him. I don't even have to look at the pack to know I can't lose them either. I've talked to almost everyone in the pack now and I can't lose them.

Feeling like the weight of the world is on my shoulders, I move to go take a shower, but not before I feel sparks running up my harm.

"Eivanna?" I look back at him, "Just a couple of more minutes." He says, pulling me into his side, my head on his chest.

"You'll let us do what's best for you, right?"

I look into his....hurt...eyes? "What do you mean?" Confusion clear because I didn't understand at all.

"You won't give up your life for the pack or me, you'll let us fight for you, right?"

"Do I have a choice?" I rhetorically ask and not wanting an answer. "Even if I had a choice, I know you guys will still fight. I just...just don't want deaths in our pack."

He nods, then chances the subject. "To get your mind off of things, want to cook together, for tonight?"

"Can you even cook?" I question, wanting to know if he's a bad cook or not.

"Okay so maybe you might want to cook with the woman and Annie." He says sheepishly which caused me to laugh. "But in the meantime before that, how about a date?"

"Our first date?" I'm shocked he even asked, with all that's going on.

"With all that's going on, you need, we need it Beautiful." I know he's right but I just feel it's not the time for that. "Yes it is. You need to relax and stop worrying about that and whatever else that's swimming around in that head of your. Okay?" I just nod that's followed by a sigh.

"Come on, lets shower."

"How about a bubble bath?"

"Hmmm," I tap my chin teasingly, "only if you wash my hair."


"AND wash my back."


"Along with--"

"Beautiful I'll do everything, all I want you to do is to relax." With those words we get out of bed and he gets the bath ready as I pick out our clothes, having up match. I actually didn't notice until I had finished.

For me, black boot cut jeans, white leather boots, a white shirt with see, thru material on the shoulders to the top of my chest area, the rest black diagonals. I'm going to pair that with a zebra stripped, heart shaped necklace and scarf.

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