Chapter 25

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Elise's POV

I smile at the memory. When I had woke up that day he told me about his powers and honestly, it didn’t surprise me.

We arrived at the pack house and got out. We walked in and to his office and knocked, he said come in and we did. Sitting behind the desk is our new Alpha, Ramian’s son, George Black.

“Hello Alpha.” We said at the same time.

“Nice surprise, Elise, George. I thought you would go and get ready for the Alpha’s celebration.” He replied nicely.

“Well we have a little problem Alpha, its with our daughter.” I started.

“We called her to ask about our granddaughter, but when we called she sounded like she’s been drinking, her and her husband.”

“Then she was saying things and then she said Alpha’s orders, always Alpha’s order.”

“What I’m gathering is, is that under Alpha’s orders something happened, and that something happened before she, your granddaughter, met Alpha Briggs. If you want to find out what happened, then you really should go get ready for their celebration.”

“We will, but we were wondering if they could come live with us.”

“Our daughter and her husband.” Mate confirms.

“Well considering that information is under Alpha’s order, then her and him coming here would most definitely help them and get rid of that order, although the Alpha may decline the quest, but there is no harm in asking to see. So I will contact him and see what I can do. All I need is their last name, the Alpha’s name, and the packs name.”

We gave him all the information he needed then left to go get ready. It’s a three hour drive from where we live to Alpha Brigg’s territory. So we got ready in under two hours and made the long drive over. Once there we had 45 minutes until it started. We met Alpha Briggs in the backyard.

“Oh my, this is lovely.” I said looking around at the fiery mixed with mandarin blue.

“The Luna did it. She has a great eye for design doesn’t she?” A woman said, who was younger than myself but older than the Alpha.

“Just like my Elise.” George said in amazement.

“Well if she is like me then I wonder if she cooked.” I thought I said only to myself, but I didn’t.

“Oh she made a LOT of desserts,” the Alpha said.

I held out my hand. “Elise Roberts, grandmother.” I said as he shook my hand.

“Donovan Briggs, mate. It’s nice to meet you.” We let go. “I do have a question and request for the both of you.” We nod. “The question is, how come your daughter doesn’t live with you?”

“Well, her mate was apart of our pack. They met, fell in love, and had a child. Unfortunately, he died before he knew. Two days after his death she left and became rogue, crossed into the Moon Star territory, got caught, and they let her join.” I start.

“A month before she was due she met her husband, Even. Before her due date, they got married. We were there for the wedding and birth, sadly we didn’t stay all day for the birth. After that, a couple of days later, our daughter didn’t want anything to do with Elise. We don’t know why, but we can only guess now.”

“Although we still don’t know what happened with them. Nor the actual reason. We met our granddaughter once after that, but sadly that too wasn’t long.” I finished for my mate.

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