Chapter 43

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"Can we talk," I head while pulling from Eivanna, "I need to tell you the truth."

"What truth? Whose truth? Why are you here?" I ask for her. I know she's having....needs time with processing the news we received. She'll have the hardest with the news. I know she's known about it, but I also know she's not ready to take on that much responsibility. Nor is she ready to talk about it.

"Well...I....we should go inside, Alpha Briggs...into my office. All three of us."

"Alpha Joel I always thought you were a man of saving. This whole pack has been saved. Not many know about...your savvies, pack. You were told to me, to be a man who does great things for your rogues. YET, here we are, yet, we have faced them. I question why and how come. I question if you had anything to do with your ex-mate car crash." I speak again.

"What I hav....wait what? Car crash...the one Castro saw? By Alpha Black's territory? That can't be...." He turns around and starts searching the crowd. When he spots who he wants he points to them and motions them forward.

"You were with Castro, what happened?"

"I...uh...I don't know...he...uh....kind of ya' known, knocked me out. The guys and I came to when a noise, sounded like an ambulance, sounded. We met up with them a few minutes later. They were talking to Nora and the rest who are, ya' know now. When we got to them they stopped talking and we all continued walking home."

Then he turned back to us. "You didn't know." Beautiful spoke in a whisper. I move my hand behind her, touching the curve of her back. "How did you come to find him? How did he know who you were?"

"All rogues know, I accept all. I didn't know about the crash but I knew about him getting to you. Him wanting you but I was under the impression he wanted closure. He said that he needed help looking for a girl he was in love with....he wanted to apologize. But what he didn't know was that I just want to see my daughter. If this didn't happen he'd be dead by now, but now he's gone and I want to help make sure nothing happens to you." He finished with motioning around then to Beautiful, looking her directly in her eyes.

"What is he planning?" I question, wondering if he knew and was going to help.

"As much love as he has for your mate, he wants her, with you and everybody else that can cause a threat out of the way. He'd go through anything to get to her."

"What is he?" Beautiful ask, catching me off guard. I thought he was a hunter, yet hunters don't find themselves with a pack.

"What do you mean? He's like us, he has a wolf. Although he doesn't even smell like a rogue, worse actually."

"Are you aware of who his father is?" I had to question it, but from what I heard from the council, this man in front of me is one of respect for what he does with the rogues. He has the respect of the council and that's a big thing. But if he wants my respect, he needs to assure me that my mate is safe. I don't trust his words and I won't trust his words.

"Yes I checked his background. His father was the all famous Marketi, Alpha hunter of the Keti family. It my knowledge, that his second took over. He had Castro wife a woman who said was his mate. There was a 50/50 chance that he would be like her, once Castro showed those signs, Marketi disowned him. Castro killed his father after he found me, then he found her. I don't know what his exact plan is but I know it entitles death and her being with him. He will bide his time until he can take her. He will learn, study, and try to conquer."

"Why so sure?" She ask. It's like we're doing the whole my question her question thing. "You sound like you know him, like you understand where he's coming from. Yet, you died and were revived so you can stand beside your father and like a good little boy you did. You left everything and you did. And when he died you stayed here, still leaving everything behind and did something respectful. Although, it was respectful enough. Not for me, not for your family, not even for my mother. You let someone try and steal your 'daughter' and did nothing. You claim it was because of me, you wanting to see me. Didn't you know it would have been best not to see me on his terms. You could have cane from 'hiding' and found me, while showing your family you're alive. 'Cause maybe then my life wouldn't have been hell." She yells at the end with hate in her eyes.

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