Chapter 10

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‘Diotanz? Donovan Diotanz Briggs? Diotanz?’ I kept repeating over and over in my head. Well I thought it was in my head. I was staring at Diotanz the whole time and everytime the word, well name, came out he would shiver.

“Did I say that out loud Diotanz?” Before I could fully get his middle name out he covered my mouth with his right hand.

“Yes you did.” He said, then started giving me a pleading look. “And every time you say it, it makes me feel a certain type of way and that way is NOT appropriate right now.” I raised an eyebrow. “We still have dinner with my parents remember?”

When he said that, that’s when I caught on. Me saying his middle name affects him in a sexual way. I couldn’t help but giggle behind his hand. I removed his warm hand from my mouth.

“Alright I won’t say it, but who gave it to you? I like it. It’s quite unique.”

“Glad you think so beautiful because I didn’t like it when I was younger.”

“When did you start liking it?”

“Just know.” That made me blush and giggle. So if I hadn’t came along he would’ve never liked it.

He was about to speak again, probably going to answer my previous questions, until he closed his mouth. Must be mind-linking someone. So I just sat there and stared at his features, again. I couldn’t get enough of how… this fine specimen is mines. Those cheekbones, that hair, and those eyes.

“You can stop staring love.” He chuckled causing me to blink. “It’s time for dinner.” He said while standing up and taking my hand.

I was hardly paying attention. I needed to clear my head.

‘But it’s good to have him stuck inside your head isn’t it?’

‘Ari, you have NO idea. ‘

‘Oh trust me I do.’ She said in a dreamy voice. She’s picturing Roman because that’s all I can see.

‘What about mines?’ I pouted. She sighed and beside Roman stood a picture of my lovely specimen. ‘I think I’m getting used to calling him that. Specimen.’

“Eivanna these are my parents.” I blinked and looked up realizing we were in the kitchen. I actually wasn’t paying attention to the people in front of me. This kitchen held all my attention and desires.

"So beautiful." I believe were the words I whispered at the sight.

It was huge. The island was a dream. Its dark brown wooden frame stood about four feet, maybe four foot five, covered with a clean, see your reflection in, white granite top. There were two dark brown sinks at each corner of the island. Behind it stood two white windows outlined with dark brown tile. Under the windows sat another sink. But this sink was wide and long. It was made of copper but painted white, as if matching the granite on the island.  There were two faucets over each side of the sinks. But in the middle there was a rustic curved faucet that you can detach. To me it was old school meets new school faucets. Although, the part I was more attracted to was the inside of the sink. There were still two sides and two drains but the wood separating them moved side to side.

“Oh my gosh.” I whispered, still looking around the kitchen. The cabinets, all fifty five in total, were the same color as ever other wood. I was taking it all in when I head chuckling and laughter. I blink and looked at the people. “Oops.” I say blushing. 

“It’s okay dear. I’m glad you like the kitchen, I designed it myself.” Said his mother. I remember her from the other house and outside. I’m finally noticing her complexion. She has dark dirty blonde hair. I noticed thin, yet thick, dark brown eyebrows and long eyelashes. Her nose is long but rounded at the end. She has pink lips, which I can tell are graced with a little shiny lip gloss. Her eyes were a light blue color. 

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