Chapter 32

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On the drive there I brace myself because now my nerves are everywhere and questions are the same ones floating in my head. How could I trust them? How could I love them? Do I want them to get to know me? Will they treat me the same? How can I believe a word they say? Are they still under Alpha’s order? Where do we go from here?

Tears started building up in my eyes. I didn’t know what to do, or what to think for that matter. Throughout all the beatings and the punishments, I’d have to say having my parents stand by and watch hurt me the most. Hell, Damian’s mating didn’t even hurt, but they hurt me by not doing anything. Should I have done the same? Nothing? Shouldn’t I have not cared? Why do I care? When did I care?

As those last few question ran through my mind, I knew the answer to those. I couldn’t have done nothing, I’m not that type of person. I care because that’s the type of person I am and if I didn’t care, I wouldn’t have saved them. I wouldn’t have said I needed them or begged for them to live for me if I didn’t care somewhere in my heart. Right?

I snapped my head to front and looked out the window. We were getting close, not only could I see the wreckage, I could smell it as well. I could tell what happened, they were about to hit something and the car had swerved into a tree, but it hit with too much force, because the tree was on the ground. Although that didn’t stop the car from trying to go over it, but it flipped over halfway over it and spun around facing the opposite direction it was heading. I wonder what they say that made them swerve.

We drove past it, but I just kept looking. I even turned in my seat to look out the back window, then the car slowly came to a stop on side the road, and I turned around and got out and walked to the wreck. I was looking at everything, it felt like I was searching for something.

Getting closer, I could tell they wouldn’t have made it. Being werewolves, they didn’t die on impact, but they would have if human. Whoever was on the driver side was worse because that’s the side the car landed on after falling off the tree. Which means, the door crushed their leg and probably broken a all their bones. Although the passenger also had it bad because they were the first to feel the effects on running into the tree.

All in all, if the car was in worse shape, they were in bad shape. Glass was shattered all on the road, the finder was stuck to the tree, the hood of the car had flew off, and the upside down car in missing it’s front passenger side tire and all the others have been crushed.

I looked all of it over, but what caught my attention were the paw marks on the tree and the ground in from the car, then another a few feet away. I followed the marks because they gave me a weird feeling. I saw another one on another tree, a right up one, to the right of the wreckage, which is on the left side of the road from where I’m standing. I walk to it and touch it. I look over at the road and see skid marks. So they tried hitting the brakes.

I follow them to where the marks started and I look at the ground and see more paw marks, then I look to the left then right. The skid marks are heading to the right then left, meaning the thing that they swerved at had to come from the right and run to the left. So I go right into the woods.

Instantly a scent hits me that makes me want to throw up, it’s not a rogue smell or a smell of death or decay. It had a sweet side, but I mostly smelled blood, burnt flesh, pee, and animal feces. I back up quickly. Well that smell is with me forever. Something in my gut told me that, that smell is very very bad.

I look to the other side of the road. Wondering if I should go over there or not. Something tried to run them off the road, they wanted them dead. But which one? What were they after? This was no simply attack, they’ve been waiting a while for them to come.

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