Chapter 2

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I stood at the door waiting to be let out. I’m ignoring how cold and confused I feel. Confused because the Alpha told me to be presentable. I don’t get why, but I’m got used to not knowing everything, in the pack’s eyes. I wanted to know why to a lot of things but never got an answer. 

Anyway, for some reason the Alpha told me forget my uniform today and dress like someone in the pack. My uniform consist of simple black pants and a white tee shirt. I can’t forget the rusty black shoes, if you can even call them black nowadays. The pants, though, are long, a little baggy, and have holes at the bottom of the legs. While the shirt is three sizes too big. It looks flowy and puffy when I tuck it into the pants. I use to have a belt, but it got worn out. The old Alpha said it broke because I was getting fat. 

My hair is always pinned in a bun and I never wore makeup. ‘So people can see how ugly I truly am.’ Words from the old Alpha.

Anyway, so here I stand with clothes the pack will see me in for the first and probably last time. I have on a flowery black and white shirt and actual dark skinny jeans. My shoes, were black and white striped flats that felt really comfortable. My hair, due to all those buns over the years, was down and curled all on it own. The long reddish orange curls made my face stand out. I truthfully had on a bit of makeup, which included dark brown eyeliner, dark red blush, and shiny lip gloss.

I know how to dress myself. I actually already had the clothes. I’d step out of my uniform every time the pack went on vacation. The vacation is useful for me. I wouldn’t be this smart, skillful, strong, wise, or secretive without it. So I can at least thank them for that. 

The door opening caught my attention. He’s always careful enough to stand outside the room as the door swings open. Only because it hasn’t changed. The silver will never change. It’s in the walls, door, floor, ceiling, and window. You can’t tell because it’s painted over with black paint, but it’s there nonetheless. Growing up with it, I feel immune to it somehow. I still avoid it and try not to step or sleep on it to avoid suspension.

Once I was able to see the man in front of me, I quickly bowed my head. Like everytime. He always looks tired when he has to come and get me. Well, maybe not always. He got tired of doing the same things every morning. He said, mainly to himself, abusing a child for so many years is not going to be his morning routine. I actually think he grew a soft spot for me. I’d be a fool to believe so until he said it. 

With some people in the pack, I believe the same happened with them. I can see it in their eyes and actions. They try to steer clear of me and look at me with pity. While others, mostly the teens, have looks of hatred. I sometimes wondered how my parents feel. Sometimes.

Anyway, with my head down, I step out of the room, close the door, and followed Frank. He’s one of the pack members than can stand silver the longest. The Alpha had it tested against his men to see how much to use on rogues and me.

He’s actually the biggest pack fighter out of all. His frame is around 6'11, with broad, wooded shoulders and muscles. His hands are very big and callous yet long. He has long arms and legs, even his feet. Don’t ask, I stare at the ground all day, what else is there to not notice when people walk by. I’ve glanced up at him a couple of times to remember his face. He has dark brown eyes with short curly brown hair. His nose is a little long and lips a little thin. His ears are also pointed at the tip, but they have length to them. 

Once we made it out of the short hallway my room is on, Frank turned left into the more dungeony part of the basement. Yes, the room is in the basement along with the many cells housed for torture. The Alpha said the attic was taken and wasn’t vile enough for me to rest since I clean it so well.

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