Chapter 11

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As we started eating in silence my mind went back to Donovan. ‘Donovan Diotanz Briggs.’ I snapped my left hand fingers, seeing as my fork was in my right, and it caused everyone to look at me. I turn to Diotanz.

“Hey, weren’t you going to tell me what your middle name stood for.” I said more than asked.

“Wait,” Claire said before Diotanz could answer. “He told you his middle name?” I just nod. “Wow, he was so embarrassed by that middle name.”

“Who gave it to him?”

“Claire’s mother did.” Jackson answered. “She said it was a combination of two things. The d, i, and o were from the word Dioskouri from...”

“Greek and Roman mythology, Castor and Pollux. They were twin brothers. They also represent an astrological sign in the Zodiac, Gemini. Gemini, somewhat, means two halfs or two personalities. Castor and Pollux were two until Castor was killed and Pollux wanted to share his immortality with his twin, even though they had different fathers, thus making them Gemini.” I interrupted and recalled from my reading. “I love reading Greek, Latin, and Roman mythology in the human word. It made me question things.” I blinked, as if bringing myself back to reality and looked up.

“Nice memory you have there.” Claire said.

“Thanks, it comes in handy.” She nodded in agreement as Jackson continued.

“The other half, tanz, comes from tanzanite. It’s….” 

“Purple, the same purple.” I say looking Donovan in the eyes. “I take that back.”

He furrowed his eyebrows. “Take what back?”

“I only have six things I hate. Purple is so not one of them.”

He chuckled, “Is it because of my eyes?”

“Maybe Diotanz.” I say smiling flirtatiously at him. I love how it affects him when I say it.

His eyes flashed a little bit as I said it. He took my left hand in his and kiss the back of my hand. Then he hid are hands under the table. I thought he’d just put it on his leg. But he proved to me that saying his middle name really was a turn on. I couldn’t help but scoot a little closer. He was hard and this is very negative for me to say and think but it was turning me on.

“Lets eat.” He says, picking up his fork with his left hand. Mines was still on his very prominent area covered by his right hand.

While eating I was thinking of his whole name. “How’d you get your first name?”

Donovan, Jackson, and Claire all had a smile and far away look. The smile on Donovan’s face made me smile as well.

“My great grandfather.” He said, more to himself than me even though he answered my question.

Jackson came out of his stare first. “It was said that Alpha Donovan Murphy wanted his great grandson to have his name. My grandfather knew he’d have one down the line. He said all his childrens’ children will be great, but this one will do something amazing. He will be born from a legend to do something great, along with his mate.”

“That sounds like a lot to live up to.” Slipped from my mouth, I meant to think them.

I felt a squeeze on my hand. “It is but I’m looking forward to it, plus I have help and now I have you.” I looked into his eyes and knew he was being honest, again. His big beautiful eyes seemed to sparkle with love, joy, happiness and overall pride. He’s truly proud of his heritage, wish I could say the same for mines.

“I believe you will truly shine.” I whispered to Donovan who, in return, blushed a little.

“Thank you Beautiful.”

For the rest of dinner we all just sat there and ate. There was little talk here and there. I was actually starting to get tired. Hints the yawn I let out that caused this night to be over. I wasn’t the only one tired though, Claire yawned right along with me. This made the “men” say it was time for bed. I didn’t mind, but I kind of wanted to talk more, and get to know more about Donovan. So far I got a mental picture of him as a little boy. Stubborn, hard headed, kind, curious, and overall brave, yet he listened and never got into trouble. In my eyes, that spells perfection.

Even though his parents were telling me all about him, when I looked at him I knew he has seen some things no kid should have to see. He’s been through something, it may not be as big as what I've been through but it’s something. And that fact makes me want to know what it is.

“Beautiful Eivanna?” Diotanz ask pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Hmmm?” I ask, then I realized I was leaning on him. Well, looking down, I realized I was in his arms. He was walking up the stairs to the first floor. “Where?” Is all I could say during my sleepy state. 

“We’re going to my room to sleep beautiful.” This time he didn’t say it like it was my name, but more of in aw type way.

“Mmhmmm.” I mumbled my eyes getting heavier. When we were on the first floor, I looked and noticed us moving down a hall. “Up….higher?” I hope he understood what I was trying to ask ‘cause at the moment I didn’t.

“It’s different in our pack house. We want the members to feel protected in their rooms incase something happens. So my room, my parents, Betas, and pack fighters are on the first two to three floors, while the rest are up there. Although nobody has the top two floors. Those are for visiting packs.”

Know that I think about what he said, it’s a smart idea. The Alpha’s, Beta’s, and pack warriors are more capable of fighting off rouges better than the pack if said rouges just burst into the house. Even if it will catch them off guard, they will still be able to defend themselves quicker than a pack member, even if that member is trained.

“” Was all I could get out, but at least it’s what I meant.

“Sleep beautiful.” He said as I felt an amazing flush bed form around my body. I could tell I was in the middle of it. I rolled over onto my stomach getting ready to welcome the loveliness of it. But when I didn’t feel the bed dip or anything indicating he was getting in too, I turned around.

“You too, with me.” I yawned out with my eyes closed. I actually don’t even know if I was looking at him or not. But I heard a chuckle and then felt the bed dip. Strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist and I felt content.

I turned at an angle. So my back was to his chest, kinda, but my stomach was still face down on the bed and my head was buried in a pillow. His pillow. It smelled of honey and grapes with a musky manly type smell. Kind of like someone’s been out working all day.

“Work too much.” That’s the last thing I remember saying before I could hear, see, or smell anything. Yeah that tends to happen when I’m deep sleeping. I hope I’m not snoring though, I tend to do that too.

What I don't tend to do is dream. So it surprised me when I felt like I awoke in a dream. A dream where the grass isn't green but black with a castle in the distance.

I looked around, searching for something. Anything yet there's nothing but the castle.

I want to walk to it but the grass doesn't look right. It's destroyed completely. Like it went through a war and didn't come out victorious.

In the distance, I noticed the castle doors open. Once their fully open, nothing happens. For a while. Then a breeze came and not a slow one, one that signifies a storm coming. Then I watch as if the grass ages backwards. Going from black to being lit on fire, to the first being put out, to green, to brown, then back to brown and green again. The castle also ages backwards as well.

All of a sudden, while watching the that, I felt two presences beside me. Looking to my left I don't see anyone. I also check right just in case, but still nothing.

'In due time.' I hear in the wind before everything goes black.

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