Chapter 44

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Donovan asked me if I wanted to attend the meeting with Alpha Black before we left, honestly I didn't. I already knew what the conversation was going to be about and I don't want to attend. I wanted to think and say goodbye to Jewel and the Trips.

When I made it to her room, though, she was asleep and I knew the trips were too. This time she's on her side, but in the middle of the bed. Her stomach is so wide that it's close to the edge of the bed. When I become pregnant, I'm hoping my stomach isn't that big. If I have to be put on bed rest, I will lose my mind.

I leave her to sleep and go check on my parents but sadly they're asleep as well. It's becoming easier to call her mom and them my parents. I can, feel like, I can call Even my dad, I mean he was there for my birth anyhow. I make it to the backyard where I see all ages of children out and about and I'm reminded of the pack back home. Has a nice ring to it; home. I can't wait to get back and see their smiling faces.

Anyway, I know it maybe a little wrong for what I said to Alpha Joel, but I know it was the right thing to say. I don't know how, but it...him still being alive, made me feel. I felt betrayed by him, basically. Like, he could've been there, I needed a father, but he wasn't there.

Then again, I'm glad about the other stuff I said. Life has it's own way of planning things out and I'm glad I was able to stick with it. It made me stronger in the end anyway. But I just don't think I'll be able to forgive him so easily.

Sitting on the steps and watching them is helping me think about a lot of things that I would have changed, but the outcome of everything makes me glad I'd endorsed them. I still wouldn't wish my life upon anyone though. Well, maybe those who reject their mates, but then again maybe not.

I'm glad I was granted with a second mate. Donovan is just....Donovan. He's different than most and knows where his heart, loyalty, and respect lies. All those things he has of mines. I respect him for being a good up front Alpha and mate. I'll be loyal to him until the day, well years, after we die. Because even in death he'd still be remembered. And of course he has my heart, he's the first person to even treat me right but that's not the main reason.

I can see myself madly in love with him. Actually he'll have to teach me how to love, I seen love in movies but I highly doubt loves includes murder, lies, secrets, and back stabbings. All the movies I watched had those. I never really watched a movie where the couple in love stays in love. They cheat and fall out of love. That's why I stopped watching romantic movies.

I looked up at the sky, with the sun still high. Every chance I got, I loved looking up at the sky no matter the time of day. But today, the sun makes me feel different, alive basically. Then I look over, directly, at the sun. It doesn't burn my eyes like its suppose to, that much I did learn from movies and the internet. I got bored and looked up the effect from the sun.

Actually, looking at it, I feel like it's getting bigger or brighter. Either way the sun rays are expanding and I don't believe that's natural. At least, I've never read about it. But I can't take my eyes from the ever growing orb. I notice me moving towards the middle of the backyard and everybody that's out here are either looking at me with squinted eyes or the sun. Making a large circle around me, I look at them then back at the sun.

'Princess, we grant you with more.' I hear in my head and I remember the voice from yesterday but I confused on what she means by more.

Then like slow motion I see, like a lighting bolt made from the sun rays coming straight for me. Without a second though, I yell at the kids, even if some are my age, to move back and jump to the right away from the bolt. It struck the ground where I was, but it didn't fade. It was stuck in the ground.

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