Chapter 34

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After seeing how the accident actually happened, I didn't think I needed to see my parents anymore. Seeing it was something, but I also felt like I was in that car with them. I know now that I truly do want them in my life, I would cry for them. Shoot, when I left them standing on that porch and got in the car with Donovan I did cry, even though it was only a couple of tears. Now I realized that if I hadn't changed the subject that night I would have cried over them, for them.

I stare at the ground for a while, debating and trying to muster up something to be able to see them. Still looking, I nod, "Yes....I'd.....yes." Was all I could get out.

When everybody stood up to leave, I sat there for a couple of seconds before standing as well. I honestly didn't bother to pay attention to where we were going, how we got there, nor the twist and turns it took. I was too lost in my own head to focus.

'Stop worrying, you're making me worry.' Ari's voice drifted to me a little shaky, just like how I felt.

'I can''s's just.' I tried to find some words before she cut me off.

'I know E.' And just like that I felt a little better. She's with me, she'll help me through this.

When I didn't hear feet moving I stopped along with them. I knew we were in front of the room. I looked up and noticed the guys were standing to the left and right of the door. I glanced at it and took a deep breath then stepped towards it.

I opened the door and took a step into the room. I saw two beds, both occupied with my....with them. I stared at them and their injuries. While looking, I started backing out the room. I backed into a wall with wide eyes, one hand on my mouth and the other on my stomach. I couldn't stop seeng them in front of me. They were worse than I thought the accident would've caused.

Al the bandages they had were bloodly and needed changing. They still weren't able to breath on their own, but their eyes were open and alery. They're skin was red, even hers'. She had a nice skin color too, reminded me of my mixed skin but I'm more on their pailer side. She was so pretty before and she looked something's dinner after it gets ran over.

I closed my eyes and tried to breath through my nose, but it didn't help what came out through my mouth. Vomit. Everything I had this moring that didn't come out ealier, well it was sure gone now.


"I'm sorry....I can't." I opened my eyes and realized I was on my knees, but when I looked up I could still see into the them. I didn't think I had anymore to throw up but something came out. Their flesh looked burnt, charred, just plain horrible. The more I looked at them the less sick I became but the more anger took over.

'Someone did this. Why?'


'Why? To get to me?' My anger spiked.

"Open....the.....door." I say through gritted teeth. 'Why?'

My anger and temperature was boiling. Ari and I needed to release it. We needed out and release. I don't know who went to open some door to let me out, but I shifted and ran. I found an opened door and ran through it in wolf form.

I didn't know where I was going but all I knew was that we had to run. We ran into the forest and just went to town. I don't know how long we ran but I started feeling my energy and anger run out. I started making my way back to the house I ran from. When I made it there, well almost there, I dropped to the ground exhausted. I couldn't get back up so I just howled for my mate. I don't know if he came or not because I feel asleep after that. It took the rest of me with it.

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