Author's Note

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Still mad at me??

Well I came to give you incite to the prequel and sequel, would that cheer you up??

As I said OSC wanted to end there so I could write it's sequel and prequel. From reading you can guess what both of these are going to be about. I'll probably be writing these at the same time along with another book I'm working on but hopefully I can have them started before and some chapters posted before Christmas. It's gonna be a tight squeeze because two weeks after Thanksgiving I have a rush week then finals at college and a job on top of all that. But luckily I'm done with community college after those weeks and am taking a year off to focus on a job and writing on top of that so I'll have time.

Anyway the prequel is titled...............

Omega's First Chance

What do you think it's about?? I'll wait for you to guess.









Oh look laid an egg.







Here's the description.

Elise's life hasn't been easy and she knows why but she doesn't know the whole truth. Her pain isn't because of her but it has everything to do with her long lost parents and brother, which denounced her to an Omega status.
So what happens when her first chance comes along? What would her status be then? What would her pack do? Will she find out the truth?

YAY!!!! Description over.

Now the sequel is titled...............

Royal's Second Chance

Told you you could've guessed and gotten them right.

Eivanna was never truly an Omega, although she was always suppose to be an Alpha's mate. Yet that's not her nor her mate's, Donovan, destiny.
It's time to bring the Royals back with trust and not bloodshed. Yet along the journey blood would have to be shed. Especially against those who would fight to stop them and Castro, the man on a mission to have Eivanna by his side no matter what.

Lovely right?? They're just the beginning though.

So let me know how you liked those ideas and what you though about OSC. If not that's okay. As long as I see that you've read this A/N then I'm cool with that.

Tottles my peeps.

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