Chapter 45

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I walked down the hallways of school and see the posters for prom.

"A Starlight Dance" it says. I can see stars coming down from the roof and the moon coming down as well. I hope there is a photo booth there when we are there. I would love for Justin and I to have a photo booth photo together.

I quickly flip out my phone as I walk away from the poster to my car.

"Have you bought the tickets for prom? Do you need money? I will pay you back." I was now on the phone to Justin.

"No baby, it's all good. I have already bought the tickets. What colour are you wearing? So I know what colour thing I need for my suit/tux." He says to me.

What colour is my dress going to be? Everyone is going to be wearing black and white. Or blue and pink. I was to be bold and stand out. I want to make a impression.

"Red!" I quickly say. I finally made up my decision. "Red!" I repeat.

"Red it is, red would look so good on you babe." He says to me. "I have to go, I meeting this amazing person and she's standing right in front of me."

I hear his voice. But not from the phone but from him standing right in front of me like he said.

"Aw" I say. That's all I could say. I hit the end button on my phone and run up to him and hug him.

"How does it feel to be 18?" I asked him. His birthday was a week ago. But I haven't had the chance to ask him how he feels yet. "feel old yet?"

"I will never feel old with you in my arms." He says. He chuckles a bit.

"That was so cheesy Jay." I say to him. My arms were still over his neck while his arms were still holding my waist.

"Jay huh?" He says. He raised an eyebrow and held me tighter.

"Sorry it slipped." I say very quickly. Quicker than I was supposed to.

"Oh no, its fine. I like it." He says to me. He kisses my forehead.

"Oh get a room you too" someone says behind us. We immediately let go of each other and turn around. There she was. There, Rhianna and Zoe were standing there giggling.

"Oh you two cant talk." I retort. I chuckle a but myself.

"I have to go. I need to help mum do something. I will come over later today, okay?" He says. He softly kisses me on the lips and walks off.

"Ready for Prom shopping?" They both says at the exact same time.

"Always!! Who's coming?" I ask. They both take one hand each of mine and start to walk.

"Taylor. Me. Her. You. And even Chelsea. That's alright, right." Rhianna says as we were actually outside now.

"All cool, let's go."

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