Chapter 76

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It has been 4 weeks since Justin and I had sex. And well tomorrow is the day we are flying over to wherever we are going for Justin's record deal.

These past 2 weeks have been different though. Like I don't talk to the girls that much anymore. And it has brought Justin and I closer.

I have been feeling just a tad sick. Like all the time. I have been vomiting and I have been seriously dizzy.

"Hey Pattie" I say to her as I bring some of my bags into the living room.

"Hey sweetheart!" She says. She runs over to me and gives me a big hug. "How you feeling? I heard that you have been vomiting and are dizzy and cant concentrate. You know what those signs are!" She winks at me.

"What are they signs for?" I was now worried. And eager to find out. What if I was dying??

"Cancer" she teased as she cleaned up the pillows on the couch.

"Oh my gosh Pattie! You worried me" I say as we walk to the kitchen.

"But seriously sweetie, go see a doctor." She opens the door of the fridge and grabs some chicken and the butter.

"You know what would be really nice to eat, peanut butter chicken. Yes oh my gosh" I help her with the bread and I get a knife.

"Go see a doctor!"

She pushed me out of the door before I could say peanut butter. It was a 10 minute drive to doctors.

I got out of the car and walked into the doctors foyer.

"I'm here for an appointment." I say as I look at the girl with the brown hair behind the desk.

"Yep, fill in the spaces and also sign there. Then line up"

I signed and waited.

"Sarah Walker" the doctor says as I stand up and walk toward him.

"Okay Sarah. Tell me what's wrong?" He gets out a pen and paper and looks at me waiting.

"Well I have been sick these past 4 weeks. I have been really dizzy and I have been vomiting. I have has these weird cravings as well. I don't really know what this is." I look everywhere but the doctors face.

"Okay well I think I know what this might be. Could you tell me when your last period was and when its due? Also the last time you had sex." He says. I froze. Um what. Sex.

I look at him dead in the eye. What the fuck?!

"Okay. Uh, last period was a month ago. I'm due like a week ago. I'm late. And uh. I had sex 4 weeks ago."

This is so fucking awkward.

"Okay, we need to take a blood test to check your blood and if you have any infections or anything like that. It will only take a couple of minutes."

I nod and he walks off.

20 minutes later

"All done. We have the results back." The doctor says as he walks into the room again.

"Okay, what's wrong with me?" I say. I started to get nervous. I could feel my palm go all red and sweaty.

"Sarah..." he pauses for dramatic effect. But I don't really think it was to be dramatic. "Your 4 weeks pregnant."

My body froze. I'm pregnant? How? Why? What? When?

All these question were running through my head. I could answer any of them.

I didn't know what to do.

"Ah. Okay." Was all I could say. This isn't what I was expecting. There's a little human inside me growing. And Justin and I made this human.

"You can have your first ultrasound at the end of your first trimester which is at 12 weeks. Your baby is at the size of a poppyseed."

This is a lot to take in. Like there's a human being inside me.


I get up and leave and drive home. What just happened was racking me in my head. I didn't know how to tell Justin.

I walked inside and walked straight up to Justin.

"Hey babe. I need to talk to you about something." He all of a sudden had a worried look on his face.

"What's up baby" he says.

"Uh, can we go upstairs?"

We walk upstairs and go to his room. I sit on his bed.

There was a long silence. For like a long time.

I was rehearsing what I was going to say. I have a human inside of me. We are having a baby. We are pregnant. I cant do this.

In-hale. Ex-hale.

"What's wrong?" He says. He grabs my hands and looks at me worried.

I look him straight in the eyes.

"I'm pregnant"

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