Chapter 54

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I get into the limo and see everyone there. There was Taylor, Ryan, Zoe, Niall, Chelsea, Harry, Louis, Rhianna, Zayn, Liam, and all their dates. Also Chaz with a girl that I hardly know. Wait I don't even know who that is.

I whisper to Justin. "who's that with Chaz? And with Liam? And with Louis?" I ask.

"Cailtyn is the one with Chaz. Charlie is with Liam and Jacinda is with Louis. Cailtyn and Jacinda are twins."

"Oh, okay. Awesome." I say. I smile and he smiles back.

Everyone is looking amazing. I think I might have under dressed.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?" Justin said to me with a cheeky smile.

"Thanks." I smile back to him and kiss him on the cheek. My red lipstick actually stains his cheek and there is a mark left on there.

"I'm sorry" I start to chuckle. I quickly rub it off.

"All good" he says like nothing even happened.

We arrived at prom and it looked exactly like what I expected. Stars actually hanging down from the ceiling. And a moon. There's a photo booth.

"Let's go to the photo booth!" I say. I pull up my dress and pull Justin towards the photo booth.

Luckily no one is in there so we sit on the seats. I look at him and smile. He clicks some buttons and sets the camera.

I quickly lay my head onto his shoulder and smile. He looks at me with a smile. And the photo gets taken.

Then the next photo is about to be taken. He quickly kisses my cheek and the photo is taken.

I look into his eyes and he looks back. I could seriously get lost into his eyes. And accidentally the photo gets taken.

I grab his chin and shake it a bit and smile. Again, by accident the photo was taken.

I put Justin's head on my chest and acted all dramatically. This time the photo wasn't taken by accident.

Again we took a photo of us acting surprised. And all the photos were filled.

We walked out of the booth and grabbed the photos. We stared in amazement.

"I like this one the most." Justin says as he's pointing to the one where his head is on my chest.

"You only like it because your near my boobs" we both chuckle.

"True" he says.

"I like this one." I say pointing to the one where I'm laying on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I look amazing in that photo." He says.

"Hey!" I chuck my elbow into his side and all he can do is laugh.

We walk to our table. There's Ryan and Taylor. Niall and Zoe. Chaz and Caitlyn. They all looked amazing.

"Hi, I'm Caitlyn. You must be Sarah." Caitlyn says as she puts her hand out for me to shake. I shook he hand as she speaks again. "Its nice to finally meet you. Everyone said you were very lovely."

"Oh, thank you. And I wish I could say the same to you. But oh well." I sit down and so does she. "Which school do you go to?"

"Oh, just to one down the road." she's says. "you obviously go here."

She chuckles a bit and so do I. "Of course" I say.

As a song starts to play, Caitlyn says. "Oh my gosh, this is my favourite. Quick Chaz, come dance with me."

"Oh I'm not really a dancer babe." He says. She looks kinda sad.

"I'll dance with you" Justin peeps in. "If it's okay with you?" He looks at me basically asking for approval.

"Yes, of course. Quick go dance." they get up and go over to the dance floor.

I'm not jealous.

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