Chapter 73

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"That son of a fucking bitch!" I fully stand up with the help of Justin. "I'm gonna kill that fucking mole."

She thinks she can just fucking turn up and push me down on mother fucking roller-skates. I'm going to get that fucking bitch.

"Calm down. She will only get to you if you let her." Just says as he puts one arm around my shoulder.

"Fuck that." I push Justin's hand off me and skate towards her. She had to pay for what her and Zac did to us. And i was going to hurt her like she hurt me. She is gonna fucking pay.

I can feel my ankles about to give in. But luckily the faster I was riding, the more stronger I felt.

She only now a few metres away from me. I looked behind me to see that Justin wasn't following me. I wonder why. I look back towards Chantelle and football tackle her.

She ends up on the floor. I quickly pin her hands down and sit on her stomach. I start to throw punches to her face.

"That's for ruining my relationship with Justin"

I hit her again. "That's for how rude you have been to me you psychotic bitch."

I hit her again. "And that's because I mother fucking hate you."

She's about to slap me or lung me or whatever she tries to do. But instead I punch her one last time.

"And that's so you feel how I felt when you broke me and Justin up." I get up from her as now everyone is staring at me.

I skate back over to Justin. "Sorry, I had too."

His lips curl into a smile. "It was entertaining watching you do that. She deserves it."

He puts his arm over my shoulder and we start to walk to our stuff.

"Maybe get something to eat." Justin says as I dig into my bag and flip out my phone.

All of a sudden a man shows up right next to me.

"Ma'am. I'm sorry but you will have to escort the building. We do not tolerate fighting in the arena."

I look at him with a blank expression on my face. But then suddenly my lips curl into a smile and I stand up.

"Oh, its fine. We were already leaving." I pick up my stuff. And walk over to the shoe rack place. I take off my shoes and quickly put on my vans.

I look over to Justin talking to the man to told me to leave.

What were they talking about. What if he was trying to let me stay? Nah he wouldn't do that.

I walk over to the kiosk and ask for a small chips with chicken salt and barbecue sauce.

After 5 minute the chips were ready. I grabbed them. After that I was out of the arena.

"Where do you want to go now?" Justin says as he exits the building after a couple of seconds.

"Let's go graduate!"

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