Chapter 64

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As I was sitting in the cold seat in the police station, I remembered Travis was a cop.

I hope he's not working today. Oh shit......

I see him walk around the corner with a coffee in his hand and a donut in his mouth. Oh fuck

He quickly basically runs to me.

"What are you doing her??" He asks. I shrug my shoulders.

"Officer, is there something wrong?" Another officer asks.

"Yes, I'm her guardian. What has she done now?" He yells. Everyone turns around.

"She was drinking and also fighting with another girl at that party sir."

He looks at me and growls. Oh shit.

"You," he point to me. "In my office. Now!" I jump up and walk over to the officer who put the cuffs on me.

"Uhh" I jingle my arms and he sighs. He gets the key puts it in the lock and unlocks it.

I nod to him and follow Travis to his so called "office".

"Drinking and fighting? Really Sarah? This is not like you? You buried your mother this morning. And you went out last night as well. You are not the girl your mother was telling me about when I met her." He yells.

"My mother is dead!!" I yelled back. "The only parent I had left is dead. And your here yelling at me telling me that I'm not the girl I used to be. Well obviously I'm not going to be if my mum is dead? Huh ever thought of that? No you didn't. I have a right to go out and drink and party. That's the only way I can get here out of my mind. Because if I don't i will break down crying, like I have for the last month."

He was lost for words. He didn't know I was crying myself to sleep.

"Sarah..." He starts off. "I know this is hard for you right now. Its hard for all of us. But you know that little boy at home who just lost his mum. He needs your help to deal with it. Your scaring him like this. All your partying and drinking. Coming home at 4 in the morning. Drinking on school nights. Your about to graduate. You need all the help you can get. Okay."

I nod. I didn't want to talk I just need to be quiet and alone.

"Starting on Monday, you will be going to counselling. And you have to go. Every single session. Okay?"


"Okay. Now you can go home and just get some rest for the rest of the weekend. Tomorrow is Sunday. Why don't you catch up with your friends? I know that haven't seen you in so long."

I nod and get up. I nod to him again and I get one of the police man to drive me home.

I jingle my hands to try and get the right key. But then some massive muscular hands take my keys and help me.

I look up and there's Justin. Be nice and everything.

"Just because you helped me doesn't mean I'm going to let you be my boyfriend again." I say straight forward. I didn't want anything between us. "You lucky I'm half pissed. Otherwise I would be screaming at you right now."

"Yeah I know." He sighs. "Bye"

And all I see is him walking out the door and closing it.

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