Chapter 9

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I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. I hopped up and got into the shower. As I wash myself, I think very hard. Justin Bieber is my boyfriend. I'm his and he is mine well at least i hope so but I still cant believe he is my boyfriend.
I must of been thinking that hard because the shower has turned cold so i hopped out of the shower and into my bedroom and get dressed into my black skinny jeans and my "this isnt a pipe" shirt.
All of a sudden i smile at my ringtone indicating that my boyfriend is calling and also that i need to change his ringtone.
"Hey baby." he says , his voice has always had the affect of the goosebumps to me.
"Hey." I say back happily
"I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to do something today. like watch some movies or something" he aks
"Are you asking me out on a date Bieber?" I say smirking
"Oh shut up will you tho?" he says with a light chuckle
"Sure, yeah I'll be over in 10 mins"
"Awesome" I could feel as though he was smiling.
I hung up and got my vans on. I walked downstairs and got an apple and started to eat it.
"Going over to Justin's" I walked over to mum. "Be back in a couple of hours okay?"
"Okay, I'm going out tonight. On a date so, your aunt Bettie is watching over Max. You can stay at Justin's or Taylor's of you want." She gave a smile.
"Yeah, thanks" i gave her a kiss on the cheek and said "bye mum".
I walked outside and got in my blue range rover.
10 minutes later I got to Justin's house.
I knocked on the door and Pattie opened the door.
"You don't have to knock, just come in!" She had a smile on her face. All I could do was smile back.
I stepped inside and I see that some of the pictures have been changed. Then I see a picture in a black frame. It's the photo me and Justin took when I went over to Justin's.
"He really likes you Sarah. You have made him a better person and I can see the amazing difference in him."
"Thanks Pattie" I aw stunned though. No one has told me that before. It went silent all of a sudden.
"He's in the lounge room. He is playing Halo. He's a big gamer." Pattie said gesturing me to lounge room.
I step into the lounge room and I see Justin siting in a red bean bag, with a black head set on with the Xbox controller.
"Justin, Sarah is here!" He immediately turned around. I gave him a smile.
He paused the game and went straight over to me and picked me up. He spun me around. I started to giggle.
"Put me down now" I couldn't stop laughing.
"Never!" Then all of a sudden i felt my arm hit the floor. We fell over.
"Oh my gosh, sorry" he started to laugh. I joined.
Pattie helped me up and left Justin there laying on the floor.
"I will let you two be! Have fun!" Pattie said walking out of the room.
I helped Justin up and we went to sit on the lounge.
"Which movie do you want to watch?" He asked.
"You can pick, I'm all cool" I said to him.
"Sure" I took off my shoes and put them on the floor near the end of the lounge.
"Want some popcorn?"
"Sure" he walked out to the kitchen and 2 minutes later he had a bowl of popcorn.
He tried to put it onto the lunge room table but then it slipped. I went to pick it up and BANG. Our heads collided. It really hurt.
"We really need to stop doing that!" I said holding my head so it would hurt as much.
"Sorry babe," he put his hand on the side of my face and kissed the part were our heads collided. "All better!"
"Thanks babe!" I kissed him on the cheek and sat on the lounge watching him clean up the mess.
After the movie was done, we went up stairs to his bedroom.
"So, have you had any girlfriends in the past?" We still haven't had the "awkward ex girlfriends" talk yet.
"Um, well yeah. I haven't that many though. But there was this one girl..." His voice slowly fade at the last bit.
"What's her name?"
"What happened between you?"
"She,well. We were going out and we got to that stage where you start to love each other but she went and cheated on me with a guy who was very close to me. And then when I told her that it was over, she kinda went im crazy. She said that if I don't go out with her then she will kill my family. I couldn't let that happen!" I was stunned. This girl "Chantelle" was very crazy.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." I was really sad to hear that though.
"Then I called up the mental institution and they took her away. Ever since that day I saw her, in the back of that van on the way to the mental thing, no offence and all but I felt free."
"Wow" that's all I could get out.
We say there staring at the walls.
"What would happen if you were still together with Chantelle, right now?"
"I would try to find my way to you"

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