Chapter 65

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I wake up. Today is my first counselling session thing. Fuck me.

I walk down the long corridor and see all the cosy little rooms. I saw a little girl and I guess her mum walk into a room with a mid 30s woman.

"Please Sarah, come in" the counsellor says. I walk in and sit down into those comfy chairs.

Everything in here is so comfy. Like they are trying to say that it's okay you can say anything but seriously. This place is a mental home.

"Okay, so Sarah, my son will be sitting in today's session if that okay with you. He is learning to be a counsellor as well. You okay with him sitting in?" The counsellor brought his son inside and OMG.

He had blonde hair and he was tall. His jawline is so structured omg. He sent this vibe that well I wanted to be with him so much. I want to feel him touching me.

Cut it out Sarah. You are not going to drool over your counsellors son.

Wait this guy is familiar.

"This is Zac, my son." He says.

"Its nice to meet you" I smiled at him and he smirks back.

"Okay so Sarah, tell me about your family" the counsellor said. I actually found out his name. It was Doug.

"Okay, um, my father died when I was little. I have been living in the same house with my mum and little brother for the past 15 years. My mum met Travis, my soon to be stepdad. They are engaged. Um, but recently my mother passed away so they aren't really engaged anymore. And I don't really live with her anymore. I live in the same house with Travis, my mums fiancé. And with Max. And yeah that's it."

He stares at me blank. I lean back on my chair and fold my legs. I was wearing my jeans, t-shirt and jumper with my black boots on. I was looking very stylish today.

I guess today is my lucky day.

"Oh okay, that's terrible. How are you dealing with this?" He says after he scribbles some notes down on a note pad.

"How I'm dealing with this? I'm dealing jut fucking great actually. You know even though my fucking mum died like 2 weeks ago, yeah I'm fucking fantastic."

I look everywhere else then the counsellors face or the cute boys face looking at me thinking that I look like a tomato because of how red I am.

"It's okay, I know you are struggling with this. We will help you the through this. Okay?" The cute boy Zac says as he looks at me through to my eyes.

"Okay" was all I could say

I say there for about an hour and half more saying my whole life story. And like everything. How fucking great?

"Okay, well I will see you next week, same time okay?" Doug says putting everything in the folder.

He exits the room and get up and fix my pants and shirt and everything so I don't have to look at Zac.

He is very cute though.

"So, now can I get your number?" he says after a minute or so.

I chuckle a bit. And he generously smiles. "Your the guy that asked me for my number at Starbucks."

"Yeah I am." Oh my gosh how embarrassing

"Well I guess your gonna have to earn it?" I wink at him and try to walk out the door before grabs my hand and pulls me back.

Before I knew it I felt his lips on mine. It was very passionate for about 20 seconds. He leans back.

"Now can I get your number?"

While in that position still I grab the notepad and pen quickly out my number down.

"I guess you did earn it" I hand it to him.

He grabs my hand and kisses it.

"Its a pleasure meeting you" he says

"Oh the pleasure is all mine" I say back and I walk out of the room.

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