Chapter 14

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We went to school the next day. I had an early class to go to so i went to that as the others hanged out.
After class ended I went over to Justin who was talking to someone I didn't know he knew.
"Yeah, I'm more into soccer myself but yeah I can play football. Not that good though." Justin said to this guy. He was buff, like he seemed as he plays football for the school. He might.
"Hey" I walked up to Justin.
"Hey" he kissed me on the cheek. I could get use to this.
"This is Niall. He's the quarterback of the football team. I was just talking to him about the sport teams."
"Oh right, hi I'm Sarah. Justin's girlfriend." I put my hand out to shake. He shaked it carefully.
"Yes, the wonderful Sarah. Justin talked about you."
"He did." I looked at him. One of my eyebrows were up and I had a smirk on my face. He just looked back innocent.
The bell rang.
"Do you guys want to come over to my house this weekend? My parents aren't going to be there and I can have friends over. Its not going to be a party. Just me and you and your friends. What do you say?"
"Yeah sure, Saturday cool? 11ish?" I asked. "I have church on Sunday."
"Yeah same." Justin butted in.
"Yeah that's cool. Saturday, 11 it is. Tell your friends."
Justin picked me up after school and drove us to Niall's house.
It looked like a small cottage from the outside but inside it was massive.
I walked inside and I saw the living room. It had a lounge room with a big tv. Then you saw a door which was open which looked like a bedroom.
Justin and I walked in hand in hand.
"Hey guys!" Niall said. He came over to us. He put out his hand to Justin.
"Hey man!" Justin said letting go of my hand and shaked his hand.
"Hey" I said. It was still a bit awkward. I just think its weird how I've been going to Bakersfield high since forever and I haven't seen him once.
I decide to ask him.
"Why haven't I seen you around?" I asked. I was really confused.
"I have only been here since the end of last year. I came from a football school. That's how I got quarterback." I said. "Come this way. We will go to the gaming room."
We walked through a lot of hallways and rooms until we arrived in a room with heaps of bean bags and gaming things.
There was Taylor, Chaz, Ryan and Zoe.
"What took you guys so long?" Zoe asked. "We have been waiting for ages." I could see she was just joking.
"Well, let's do it."
For the next 2 hours, we played spin the bottle, twister, Call Of Duty, and other video games. It was hectic.
"Would you guys like to stay for dinner?" Niall asked as we finished up playing Grand Theft Auto.
Everyone looked at each other. I wanted to but I don't know if anyone wanted to too.
"Yes sure" Justin said. "Sarah and I don't have to be home till 7:30."
He had a grin on his face. I smiled.
"Yeah sure, I would love to." Zoe said.
"Count me in." Ryan said.
"Well there's food so you don't have to ask me twice." Chaz said.
"Taylor? Would you like to stay for dinner?" Niall asked. Everyone was staying but Taylor didn't give an answer.
"That would be great" she finally said.
Everyone cheered. And clapped. And nearly made me deaf.
The rest of the night was a blast. Justin drive me home after we left Niall's. We said our goodbyes and kissed passingly until it was disturbed by my mother flickering the lights on and off to signal to come in. She a weird one.
But tonight was a good night. I defiantly think Niall is a good guy.

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