Chapter 12

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Today is the day of the ball. 27th of November, 2014.
I quickly fixed up my dress as the clock on my wall stuck 6:29. Justin is suppose to be picking me up at 6:30.
Like always I got my bag and put my lipstick, phone and purse into it.
I cant wait till the ball. I didn't really expect Pattie and Justin to be into balls and things like that but I guess I just need to get to know them more.
I guess I was thinking for so long that mum had to come and get me to tell me Justin was here.
"Justin is here" she said locking me out of my thoughts.
"Oh, yeah right" I quickly looked into the mirror. I was wearing a light blue gown. The top half has silver sparkles on it and I was wearing silvers heels. My outfit is weirdly the same as Cinderella's. I'm just hoping that my glass slipper doesn't fall off.
I looked so awesome.
I walked down the stairs to see Justin in a old fashioned suit and tux.
His eyes were pinned into mine. I saw his jaw drop. I had a smirk on my face.
I landed on the ground and walked over to Justin.
"No need for the drooling, okay?" I gave him a smirk and kissed him on the cheek.
"We will be back by 1. I cant promise anything though mum." I said walking and hugging mum.
"As long as you have a good time."
"I'm sure she will Ruby" Justin butted in. "Shall we go?"
I gave him a smile. I kissed mum on the check and went to Justin's car.
It was kinda hard to get in because of my dress, but I managed.
He started up the engine and off we went.
Half an hour later and we arrived.
We arrived at a mansion. It looked old but it was very unique. Its windows had vines on it and the door was massive. It the middle of the yard, it had a water fountain. This house is amazing.
"Wow" was all I could say when I got out of the car. I looked over to Justin. He was just gazing at me. I got goosebumps.
I walker over to Justin as he locked the car.
"This is my grandmother's grandmother's mansion. It has been passed down from generation i generation. And we made a tradition that we do the Thanksgiving Annual Ball in here." I nodded to every word he said.
We walked to front door as the body guard was talking to someone and was checking off names.
"Justin, my man!" Justin and the bodyguard did like a manly hug and shook each other's hands.
"Who's this?" The body guard had a very big smile on his face.
"Kenny, this is Sarah. Sarah this is Kenny. He is the bodyguard." He was gesturing to Kenny as I nodded.
"Nice i meet you." I shook Kenny's hand. I gave him a smile.
Kenny ticked of our names and we went in. The place was crowded. There were people with fancy dresses drinking fancy champagne. I wasn't so sure if it was a fancy, ball gown type thing but I guess I wore jut the right thing.
Justin leaded me to this big room. There was this music where you could dance to. But not like hip hop, but like swaying and just slightly moving you arms.
He say down at one of the tables. I realised that it had his name on it. I looked at the other seats and I saw that Pattie was sitting was sitting next to Justin. I was on the other side. I sat on the seat and put my purse on the table.
The slow music began to start and Justin got up out of his seat and came and stood in front of me.
"Can I have this dance?"

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