Chapter 28

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"When Justin was younger, he would just tap the chairs as though they were drums. He would sit there staring at my friends band watching the guy playing drums for ages. And then we got him his own drum kit. And he would play it non stop. If he wasn't in his room playing, he was eating or sleeping." Pattie says as I take a sip of lemonade and look through the baby pictures of Justin. He was so cute.

"Oh please mum. Put away the photo albums." Justin says coming back from talking to his uncle.

"But you were just so cute" I say to him in a baby voice. I give him a smile and get up and hug him.

"Thank you." He says kissing my forehead.

We sit down again and Pattie goes on and on about Justin's childhood.

"When Justin was mad, he wouldn't go to his father, he would go to his grandfather Bruce." Pattie said holding Bruce's hand. "It was a worry sometimes but Justin loves his Grandfather."

For the next 3 hours we talked and drank and looked at photos of Justin. He was so cute. I found out so much from his grandparents, like how he broke one of their antics and blamed one of his friends. They found out because the friend wasn't even there. Typical Justin.

"Well we better go. It was nice seeing you all again." Justin says getting up from the table.

"Yeah thank you for having me. I had a lovely time." I say getting up aswell and clearing off the stuff on the table.

I hugged Pattie and the grandparents and everyone else and walked out with Justin.

"So where is our next adventure?" I asked Justin when we got into the car.

"Taco Bell or Maccas? Pick." he said starting the engine. He put his arm on my back and reversed out of the drive way while looking behind us.

"Mmm. hard choice, I say Taco Bell." I say to him kissing his knuckles.

We arrive at Taco Bell 20 minutes after. It wasn't that packed but we ordered and stood and waited for our food to be cooked. I got my food and Justin got his and we sat down at a tabl with a view over the hill side.

I got the soft chicken taco with chesse, lettuce and Justin got the same but with a crunchy shell and all of the salad.

"I cant believe you don't like tomato. Its like the best fruit ever!" He said waving his arms around.

"Even though its the best fruit. I don't like it. Its disgusting." I say taking another bite of my taco.

"Come on try some!" He got some tomato and held it In the arm for me to take it.

I waved my head. "Mmm mmm" I say. I don't want to taste it. "Yuck, no thank you. I'm good." I put my hand up and move back a bit.

He puts it right near my mouth and wacks me with the tomato just over my lips. I cough and spit the tomato onto the napkin. I lick my lips and actually taste the tomato. It's actually not bad.

"Hey, actually give me that!" I grab some tomato off Justin's taco and eat it.

"You just said that you don't like it?" He said looking really confused. I smiled at him and ate the rest of the tomato.

"I didn't like it before I tried it." I smiled at him then chuckled.

"Okay, let's go home." He says standing up.

"Okay" I say also standing up.

We walk to the car and drive to my house.

When we arrived we got out of the car and walk to the front door.

"I had fun today meeting your family." I say picking up his hands and locking my fingers with his.

"Yeah, I'm glad." He says.

He looks at my lips and licks his. He looks back into my eyes. He leans and kisses me on the lips. I feel butterflies.

I feel his arms grab around my waist and I out my arms around his neck.

Then I see something in the corner of my eye. A flicker. The lights were flickering.

I stopped kissing him and chuckled.

"That's my mum. Um, I will see you tomorrow. Okay?" I kiss him on the cheek.

"Okay, I love you." He says to me when I'm at the door.

"Love you too" I say and I walk inside.

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