Chapter 31

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Tomorrow's my birthday and well I'm half excited and half not. It's my 18th birthday and I get to drink alcohol and stuff but it just doesn't feel that awesome anymore. I seriously don't know why. I don't think I might have anyone over. Maybe just a family gathering type thing.

I pull the covers over my bed and straighten them. My quilt had pink ad yellow flowers and also has the background of a mountain. I look over to my dolphin statue. I got it for my 7th birthday from my dad. I remember it like it was yesterday.

I woke up to someone or something jumping on bed. It was my dad and my dog, Sam or Sammy as I used to call him.

I sit up and look at them after rubbing my eyes. There was my dad, mum with Max in her stomach and Sammy sitting on the end of my bed. Dad was holding 2 presents. One that was a rectangle and the other was a square.

He gave me the circle shaped one first. I looked at him, he had a massive smile on his face. I knew he was happy and excited. I gave him a smile.

I opened the circle shaped present and it was a circle box of ear rings and rings. I jumped on him and hugged him tightly that I could feel his heart slow down. I stood up and hugged mum and Sammy and said thank you.

Then he handed the the next rectangle shaped present. I felt it. It felt like clothing. I opened it and it was a dolphin statue. It was the colour blue and it was beautiful.

I loved it since the moment l laid eyes on it. That day was magical. I had a birthday party and all my friends were there, Taylor, Chaz, Ryan. Everyone!

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I wipe it away and sit down on my bed.

I look around the room. The colours blue and pink scream at me. Then I see my guitar in the corner of my room. I walk over and pick it up and start to tune and play it.

After a hour I have finished my song from ages ago. The one Justin walked in on. I think I'm perfected it.

I start to sing

"And he is good, so good
He treats your little girl like a real man should
He is good, so good

He makes promises he keeps
No he's never gonna leave
So don't you worry about me
Don't you worry about me"

I finish the chorus and decide to stop because I could hear a continuos buzz coming from my phone. I look around for my phone and see it on my desk. I quickly walk over to and pick it up and answer just in time.

"Hello?" I say. I didn't even care about looking at the caller ID.

"Hey its Zoe"
"And Taylor"
"And we are at mine so do you want to come over. We are having a twilight marathon. So yes or no?" Zoe asks

"I'm yeah sure I will over in 20, I will get some Starbucks on the way, want anything?" I say

"Oh yes please, just a coffee please and Taylor would like a Soy Latte please." She says all excited.

"Okay. On my way now. See you soon" I say and hang up.

I grab my keys and tell Mum and Travis I'm going out.

Travis is always at out place now. I don't mind. Like I'm happy for my mum but it just I don't think I'm ready to have a dad again.

I get in the car and drive to Starbucks.

"Hi yes can I please a coffee, a soy latte and a hot chocolate without cream please." I say to the person behind the counter. I kinda recognise him from somewhere. His hair was sided to one side, his eyes wear blue and always had a smile on his face.

"That's 9.50 thanks." He says. I give him the correct change.

5 minutes later the drinks were ready and I drove to Zoe's.

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