Chapter 29

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Zoe's P.O.V

I woke up beating sweat from all this heat. I looked up confused but soon to realise that Niall's arms are raped over me. I tend to look at them then slowly lift my face up to see a sleeping Niall. His eyebrows scrunched up with worry that he's going to loose something.

I gently lifted my hand to move some of his hair out of his face but he seemed to notice and started to wake up. I quicky try to act like I'm asleep but I'm horrible since his arms are on my waist and I'm ticklish. I tried to keep a straight face but couldn't help to smile.

I open my eyes to find the most beautiful pair I've ever seen. My eyes are moving down to his arms but he noticed and mutterd a "sorry".

"I should take a shower, you could get breakfast down stairs if you want." I smile as he climbs out of bed.

He stops at the door before he turns around and say's "I'll always's be here for you Zoe, always."

I stare at the door for a few seconds then walking to my shower. I strip out of my clothes and hop in the steamy hot water. It relaxes my muscles a bit but not completely.

Why is niall so nice to me? Is this a bet? Does he really care? What will happen if I fall in love? Will he break my heart if I do? I shouldn't fall in love with him shouldn't I?

I must have been thinking about so many different things that I hadn't realised that my water is cold. I climb out of the shower and look at myself in the mirror. I don't know what niall see's in me but on the other hand I think it just makes him more handsome.

I put on my UGGS, a plain black singlet, a pair of grey trackies and tossed my wet hair into a messy bun before going down the stairs.

Before I can fully see him I hear that he's talking to someone on the phone. I hold myself on the wall to listen to lthe conversation

"I don't know how im going to do it mate" Do what ? what is he talking about?

"I don't know when im even gonna tell her tho, this is serious to me I never told anyone it"
Tell anyone what ? What is he hiding?

"How the hell am I meant to tell her, I don't know what to do mate she's the love of my life"
Who the hell is this "her"? I feel this thing in the pit of my stomach and I don't like it.

"So I just go up to her and look in the eyes and say Z-"

I didn't get to hear the rest as i tumble down the stairs and land on my ass. Niall looks around the corner and starts to burst into laughter.

I pout at him but his laugh is so contagious that I started to laugh as well but I stop instantly as I remembered who he was talking to.

"Hey Niall who where you talking to?"

"Oh no one just my mum in Ireland saying how she misses me" he say's while trying to avoid eye contact with me.

He offered his hand and I gladly took it and bounced up
"oh okay..."
"Yeah" he say's and scraches the back of his neck but slowly lifts his head up while looking into my eyes.

"Would you like to go somewere with me today?" he asks nervously.
"Sure, id love to but what do I wear?" I ask smiling a little.

He laughs a little but replies "you sould wear whatever you normally where but bring a jumper"

"ok well I'm going to get ready I'll come down in about 30 minutes?" I ask normally but still trying to figure out what to wear.

"Yeah that would be fine I'll just play with my phone" He say's chuckling a little.

I smile at his cuteness but walk up stairs to get ready.

Authors note.

Hey guys. This chapter was written by my friend Zoe as the character is inspired by her. She wrote it so I hoped you enjoyed.

Everyone follow her on twitter- zoeanne101

And follow her on here- Gigglepot101

Thanks guys. ❤️

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