Chapter 61

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I lay in bed with a blank face. I have finally got out of hospital. I'm at home and I have Max with me. Travis is now my guardian.

I have been going to a lot of parties lately. I don't know why but I just don't care anymore. I have been drinking and I even done some weed with Chelsea and Harry. It was weird but I know I can deal with it.

Tonight, I'm going to a party with Chelsea and Harry again. I have been close with them lately as well. Its a guys 21st birthday and the dude apparently knows Harry so I'm in!

I look in front of the mirror. I need to do something to my hair. I walk over to my desk and grab some scissors. I look from the scissors to my hair.

Oh well.

Snip. Snip. About 4 inches of my hair falls to the ground. I watch as it falls.
Oh well.

I walk into my wardrobe. I get out my white t-shirt, shirt tight shirt, high heels, and a leather jacket. I chuck it on and go into my room. I out on my make-up and walk back out to the mirror.

I look fab! I walk downstairs with my phone and money and yell out to Max and Travis.

"Going to a party! Again! See you at like I don't know, 9 in the morning! Again!" I yell out.

"No your not." Travis says. He stands in front of the door with his hands crossed.

"Um, move." I say. I put most of my weight onto my right and tap my left foot. I cross my arms as well.

"You aren't going anywhere." He says.

"Last time i checked, your aren't my father!" I chuckle. I push pass him and walk out to Chelsea's car.

I could hear behind me, him yelling for me to get back in the house.

"Hey girl!" I lay back in the non-roof car and relax as in a couple of hours, the sun will be down and I will be parting.

We arrive at the party and it was blaring. There was people everywhere with red cups i suspecting its beer.

"Let's go!" I yell. She screams as well and the walk in together.

I go to the kitchen and get a cup out and put some beer in it. I chug it down and refill it again.

"Oh, slow down there. You might not remember anything" this guys behind me says as he takes a cup and the spray.

"That's what I'm trying to do!" I chug the last but and walk away from him. He's weird.

I see some other girls I meet before on the dance floor. I walk over. And start to dance with them.

The party went on and on and it was now 3:30. All of a sudden I get a text from someone. I flick out my phone. Its Travis. Ew.

"Get your ass home now. Tomorrow's the funeral. We need you home now."

Oh great. I try and find Chelsea. I look around and around.

All of a sudden there was a dude that had a familiar face. Like I knew him. He turned around and it felt like I got shot. Multiply times.

He starts to walk over. Oh no. I quickly walk straight past him but he grabs my arm.

"Sarah, please. I want to pay my respects." His words stung me. No he cant do that.

"No" I whisper. But obviously he heard it.

"Please" he repeats.

"No! you don't just go cheat on me with your ex girlfriend, and then not be there when my mum dies, 3 days later! 3 fucking days later. You aren't going to come back into my life ever again. You are a coward and you are a hypocrite. You are the most arrogant, selfish human being I have ever met and yes I have had drinks but at least the truth is coming out now. Huh? I hate you" I yell back.

"You don't hate me" he softly says.

"I should. I should." I whisper. A tear rolls down from my eye. "Now please leave me alone."

I start to walk off.

"Please Sarah"

"No!!"I yell back. I push him as hard as I can and quickly run off.

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